Max Payne 2 is the dark, third-person shooter sequel to Max Payne. There story is told through a combination of flashback cutscenes and a graphic novel that is revealed between chapters. "Bullet time" is still present, which allows the player to slow down the action during gun battles. The storyline follows Max Payne, a police officer whose wife and daughter were killed by drug addicts, who transfers to the DEA to get to the source of their designer drug, "V". After successfully waging war on the Mafia, the story continues after Max turns surrenders himself to the police. The graphics in this game are still amazing, and the world is very interactive for its era: Max can knock over objects, use vending machines, operate televisions and forklifts, and even see himself in mirrors. When injured, Max can take painkillers to keep fighting. Due to graphic violence and drug-related themes, this game is not recommended for children.
Added by DOSGuy
Complete version history:
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Shareware Demo (257,534,436 bytes) | 2003-11-13 | Win9x |
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Registered v1.0 to v1.01 patch (5,494,124 bytes) | xxxx | Win9x |
Apogee theoretically still sells this game, but their online store isn't working at the moment. Take Two Interactive still sells this game for $19.99 on CD-ROM.