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How to Use the Xargon Level Editor

Author: Allen W. Pilgrim
Date: April 1, 2024
Contributions by: Brandon Pilgrim, John Brandon, Harvey Patterson

General Information

  1. The Xargon Level Editor is useful for creating your own customized levels. It is the original tool that I used to create the levels in the game.
  2. You will need to have a copy of Xargon that has the in-game Level Editor enabled. I have released this version for public use on April 1, 2024.
  3. At the end of the instructions are the resources you will need to edit your levels.
  4. The Level Editor is substantial and has hundreds of settings, not all of which are included in this document. I will do my best to help provide more information as needed. Then this documentation can be updated to reflect any new information.
  5. I created a simplified map so you can easily load every level and even create your own checkpoints to load your own levels. Load MAPO to see the original map.
  6. I also included a new level that I created specifically for this release.
  7. The full version of Xargon (1994) is now available as freeware and I have included the entire game for your enjoyment in a subfolder named "Original Files." Make sure to keep an unedited copy so you can go back to the original version if desired. The one difference between this original set of files and the released version of Xargon is that Episode 1 contains the Level Editor enabled version of the executable (XRFILE01.EXE).

How to Run Xargon in Edit Mode

  1. Open the Xargon Edit Version software.
    1. I recommend using D-Fend Reloaded which is a graphical environment for DOSBox.
    2. Run C:\Games\Xargon Edit Version\XARGON.BAT. You can choose any folder name that you want to copy the game to.
    3. Run to play Xargon as written: C:\Games\Xargon Edit Version\Original Files\XARGON.BAT.
  2. Start Episode 1: Beyond Reality.
    1. This is currently the only Episode that will allow you to edit its levels.
    2. I am looking into what it may require to enable the level editor in Xargon Episodes 2 and 3 and this functionality may come at a later date.
    3. In the meantime, it “is” possible to open and edit levels from Episode 2 and 3 by manually renaming the relevant level file in the game directory from *.XR2 or *.XR3 to *.XR1, which will allow the Episode 1 level editor to open it. However, due to some differences between tiles and objects between the three episodes, editing an Episode 2 or 3 level with the Episode 1 level editor may not provide you with every tile or object you would ordinarily expect to find in that level, and you might encounter some gameplay glitches when testing it.
  3. From the game's main menu screen, press Ctrl+E to enter the edit mode.

Loading a Level (aka Board)

  1. Press the letter 'L'
  2. Enter the name of the level you want to edit and press <ENTER>.
  3. I made copies of each level with a simpler number scheme, so they are easier to Load and Save. For example, BOARD_01 is simply 01.
  4. Information on each Level. Here are some examples of what you might see.
    1. Memory Used: 112016
    2. Number of Objects (# OBJS): 139
  5. Levels/boards are used not only for playable levels, but also for things like the map screen, background graphics for the main menu, and story line screens.

Saving a Level (aka Board)

  1. Press the letter 'S' and enter the name of your level.
  2. You can name the level whatever you want provided it is 8 characters or less. I originally named them 1.XR1, 2.XR1, etc. to make it easier to switch between them during creation.
  3. The XR1 extension will automatically be added.
  4. I recommend that you Save frequently. There are times when editing can cause it to lock up and you don't want to lose all your hard work.

Adding Tiles for Level Graphics (aka Blocks)

  1. Use the arrow keys to move to the location where you want to place the tile.
  2. Press <ENTER>.
  3. Enter the name of the tile and press <ENTER> again. (A list of tile names is provided below.)
  4. Repeat the last tile to every space you move your cursor by pressing the <TAB> key.
  5. If you want to place the same tile you already placed, move the cursor to the new location and press the <SPACE BAR> as it remembers the last tile.
  6. Move quickly around the screen by holding the <SHIFT> key and then pressing one of the <ARROW> keys.
  7. Remove a tile by adding 0no (that's a zero and then the word 'no').
  8. Level graphic tiles will already have the properties you expect of them from playing the game without any additional configuration necessary. For instance, simply placing the climbing rope tiles in the level will result in a climbable rope. Similarly, placing lava or water tiles in a level will automatically result in dangerous lava or water that can kill the player.

Copy Large Portions of Tiles

  1. Move cursor to the top left corner of the area you want to copy and press F1.
  2. Move cursor to the bottom right corner of the area you want to copy and press F2.
  3. Move cursor to the tile where you want to paste it and press F3.
  4. Tips for rapid level creation.
    1. Create a section and then copy it multiple times. Replace various tiles to randomize the look and feel.
    2. Copy a section from an existing level. Switch to your level and paste it in there. Modify as desired. This can be very useful for quickly adding large complex background scenery or other large graphics that are made up of multiple tiles adjacent to each other.

Managing Objects

  1. Objects include items that interact with the player, such as enemies, powerups, keys, and bonus items. Placing the appropriate object is also how you will initiate certain player actions, such as transforming into a bee or entering the submersible pod during a level.
  2. Object Offset (aka Dis Y) the cursor - Press the letter 'Y' and enter the number of units to offset an object.
    1. This is used to line up objects, so they are not floating in the air. For example, the Robot requires an offset of 4 for it to sit on the ground.
    2. Most bonus objects have an offset of zero.
    3. You will also need to find the offset number to delete or modify an object.
    4. Example of how this works.
      1. New Object: Set the offset number (Dis Y) to 4. Select Object and then ADD to type in Robot. It will now be lined up properly.
      2. Existing Object: Move the cursor to the location of the object. Press Object and then KOPY. Press 'Y' to set the offset to 4. Now press Object and then OOV. It will move the object to the new offset.
    5. *IMPORTANT* Make sure that you put this back to zero after placing your object unless you plan on placing more of the same object.
  3. Press the letter 'O' and this screen will pop up.
    The remainder of these assume you've already pressed 'O' to bring up this menu.
  4. ADD an Object - Press the letter 'A'. Use the <ENTER> key to move through options.
    1. Refer to the "Definitions for Objects" section to see the available objects you can use in your level.
    2. For example, press 'O' to bring up the Object menu, then 'A' to Add an object, and type "Robot" in the KIND field. You can press <ENTER> repeatedly until it is added. I'll explain the other fields in this document.
  5. MOVE object to current location - Press the letter 'O'.
    1. For example, highlight the key and press 'O' and then 'K'. Now move to the new location for the key. You can also set the Offset (Dis Y) to something different. Press 'O' and then 'O' again.
    2. IMPORTANT* - You must select KOPY on an object first or it will move the player to the new location.
  6. DELETE an Object - Press the letter 'D'.
  7. PASTE an Object that is in memory - Press the letter 'P'.
  8. COPY an Object - Press the letter 'K'.
  9. MODIFY an Object - Press the letter 'M'.

Other Commands and Tips

  1. Press the letter 'C' to change the COLOR of the sky. The Color list is at the end with the resources.
  2. Use your own music.
    1. Xargon uses CMF music files. There are certain third-party utilities that allow for conversion of MIDIs and other similar music file formats into CMFs.
    2. You can easily change Xargon’s music by renaming files in the game directory. For example, you can replace SONG_1.XR1 in the game directory with your own CMF file that you have named SONG_1.XR1. It will then play your replacement CMF file when the first level loads.
  3. Clear the entire level by pressing the letter 'Z' and then typing the letter 'Y' (case insensitive).
  4. Bring up the High Score during editing by pressing the 'I' key.
    1. The purpose is to add text in the HIGH SCORES with a score of 1000.
    2. I suggest avoiding it as the only way to remove it is to move the cursor over every piece of it.

Playing Your Level

  1. Modify the Checkpoint I created on the Map Level where Malvineous enters. This is my preferred method, especially for testing.
    1. The 'X' is an object and can be moved out of the way by using the Object Move command.
    2. The '3' and the '10' in my example will load specific levels. These are invisible when you play the game. That is the reason for the 'X' over the top of them.
    3. Move your cursor to the number '3'. Press Object and then MOD (for modify). Press <ENTER> until you arrive at CNT. This is the official level number that you want to play. Things like level messages are built into the game and can't be changed at this time.
    4. Press <ENTER> to edit TEXT INSIDE. This is where you will type the name of your level/board. It can be any name up to eight characters. For example, I have a TEST level that I simply named 'T.' If I wanted it to load here, I would type 'T' instead of "BOARD_03."
  2. Playing your level in place of one that already exists in the game. This is assuming that you are not changing the Map level. This is more for final changes rather than testing.
    1. From Windows File Explorer, or any other method you prefer, rename the Board to match the name it is expecting.
    2. You will need to rename the original board unless it is the one you edited and saved.
    3. For example, if you just edited 05.XR1 but want it to be the first level, rename BOARD_01.XR1 to something like BOARD_01 (Original).XR1. Then rename 05.XR1 to BOARD_01.XR1.
  3. You can also edit the checkpoints on the Map to reflect your names. That will save you the hassle of all the renaming of files.
  4. There is currently no way to automatically play the level you are editing. I use option one above for my testing.

Level/Board Names

INTRO I have modified this one for this special version, but you can always get the original from the subfolder.
STORY Create a new story. Better yet, expand on the current story.
MAP This is where the Tiny Malvineous walks around to get to various levels.
BOARD_01 Malvineous returns to the safety of the map level.
BOARD_02 Malvineous begins his journey in this bizarre world.
BOARD_03 Malvineous enters a strange new dimension.
BOARD_04 Malvineous enters the forest of enchanted trees.
BOARD_05 Malvineous discovers a robot development plant.
BOARD_06 Malvineous falls into the corridors of doom.
BOARD_07 Malvineous ventures into the cave of the ancients.
BOARD_08 Malvineous gets lost in the mysterious corkscrew cave.
BOARD_09 Malvineous plunges into the chilly waters of the coral grave.
BOARD_10 Malvineous faces certain death in the tunnels of terror.
BOARD_32 Malvineous stumbles into Xargon's secret factory.
BOARD_33 Ending Sequence.

Each of the boards have a duplicate for editing that is simply named 01, 02, etc.

Colors (used for the Sky or Background)

Effects such as the lightning flash effect are controlled by the code. The colors for the levels are hard coded into the game. The Effects object appears to control some of these settings. For example, if you want the sky to be yellow.

  1. Add the Object called Effects.
  2. Set STAT=4 and YD=1
  3. Use the tile SK1 for solid sky.

There are settings that control whether there is lightning on the level and whether the waterfalls, lava, and acid are animated.

More details to come…

0 = Black
1 = Default Color
2 = Dark Blue
3 = Light Blue
4 = Yellow
5 = Light Green
6 = Brown
7 = Violet
8 = Gray
9 = Bright Blue

Tile (Block) Names

There are many different tiles that can be used to create interesting levels. This document will be updated over time.

Note: You will notice that there are gaps in the numbers. Those represent tiles that were rejected for the final project and were removed to save space.

Number Name Description/Hint
1 sk1 Sky background
2 sk2
3 sk3
4 sk4
5 sk5
6 cld1 Cloud
7 vl Grass scenery
8 vr
9 s1l Beige platform
10 s1r
11 cld2 Cloud
12 cld3
13 r1
14 r2
15 r3
16 r4
17 gs1 Grass scenery
18 gs2
19 r5
20 r6
21 s2
22 s2c
23 s2m
24 s2b
25 s2u
26 s2bk
27 cld4 Cloud
28 cld5
29 cld6
32 tr1 Tree
33 tr2
34 tr3
35 tr4
36 tr5
37 tr6
38 tr7
39 tr8
40 tr9
41 tra
42 trb
43 trc
44 trd
45 tre
46 trf
47 trg
48 trh
49 tri
50 trj
51 trk
52 trl
53 trm
54 trn
55 tro
56 trp
57 trq
58 trr
59 trs
60 pilt Blue Pillar Top
61 pilb Blue Pillar Bottom
63 c1 Stone Bricks (BG)
64 s3 Stone Bricks (BG)
65 c2 Stone Bricks (BG)
66 c3 Stone Bricks (BG)
67 c4 Stone Bricks (BG)
68 c5 Stone Bricks (BG)
69 c6 Stone Bricks (BG)
70 c7 Stone Bricks (BG)
78 xrp1 Climbing Rope (Climbable)
79 xrp2
80 xrp3
81 xg1 Grass and dirt platform
82 xg2
83 xg3
84 xg4
85 xg5
86 xg6
87 xg7
88 xg8
89 xg9
90 xga
91 xgb
92 xgc
93 xgd
94 xp1 Plant
95 xp2
96 xp3
97 xp4
98 xp5
99 xp6
100 xp7
101 xp8
102 xp9
103 xpa
104 d1
105 d2
107 d3
109 coilt Coil Top (BG)
110 coilb Coil Bottom (BG)
111 ch1 Chain (Climbable)
112 ch2 Chain (Climbable)
113 ch3 Chain (Climbable)
114 ch4 Chain (Climbable)
115 d4
116 d5
117 c8
118 d6
119 d7
120 d8
126 wl1 Purple Background (BG)
132 wl2 Purple Background (BG)
133 wl3 Purple Background (BG)
134 wlshd1
135 wlshd2
136 wlshd3
137 s7 Tan Ground on Stone (Solid)
138 stlbeam Steel beam
139 elevl Elevator platform
140 elevr
141 elevbotl
142 elevbotr
143 wl4 Stone Block (Solid)
146 platl Horizontally moving platform
147 platr
148 breakwall
149 arrow1 Wall-based arrow launcher
150 arrow2
151 motion1
155 xge Grass and dirt platform
156 xgf
157 xgg
158 xhk
160 crum1
161 crum2
162 crum3
163 crum4
164 crum5
165 crum6
166 crum7
167 crum8
168 crum9
169 cruma
170 crumb
171 crum_last
172 blink
173 0no
174 rnsldgm Ruins Platform Middle (Solid)
175 rnsldgl Ruins Platform Left (Solid)
176 rnsldgr Ruins Platform Right (Solid)
177 rnstl Ruins Block (BG)
178 rnstm Ruins Block (BG)
179 rnstcrk Ruins Block (Solid)
180 rnstr
181 rns1
182 rns2
183 rns3l
184 rns3r
185 ctop Another stone platform
186 cmid
187 cbot
188 ccrk
189 epic1 Epic logo
190 epic2
191 epic3
192 cgem
193 rns4l
194 rns4r
195 rns5l
196 rns5r
197 rnsshdl
198 rnsshdr
199 rnso6
200 rns6
201 rnso7l
202 rnso7r
203 rns7l
204 rns7r
205 rnso8l
206 rnso8r
207 rns8l
208 rns8r
209 rnso9
210 rns9
211 drt1 Dirt (Solid)
212 drt2 Dirt (Solid)
213 drt3 Dirt (Solid)
214 drt4 Dirt (Solid)
215 drtbl Dirt Bottom Left
216 drtbr Dirt Bottom Right
217 stldr1 Steel door (for key to open)
218 stldr2
219 stldr3
220 bridge Bridge
221 stalagt Stalactites and stalagmites
222 stalagm
223 stalagb
224 cvitr Ground blocks for cave
225 cvpeb1
226 cvmid
227 cv0
228 cvpeb2
229 cvcrk1
230 cv1
231 cvcrk2
232 cvb
233 cvl
234 cvr
235 cvitl
236 cvbr
237 cvbl
238 cvtr
239 cvtl
240 cvt Top platform for Cave ground
241 cvcrk3
242 2weed Weed (cave scenery)
243 2rk1 Rocks (cave scenery)
244 2rk2
245 grs1
246 grs2
247 bmsh Mushroom (cave scenery)
248 bmsht
249 bmshb
250 post Post
251 rnsocl
252 rnsocr
253 rnscl
254 rnscr
255 rnsct
256 rnscb
257 rnsocb2
258 sign1 X sign (bg scenery)
259 rnscb2
260 comp1
261 comp2
262 comp3
263 eyeop Eye (bg scenery)
264 eyecl
265 noeye
266 rnscm Stone ruins style column
267 rnscm2
268 s_skull Skull sign (bg scenery)
269 s_quest
270 s_red
271 s_gray
272 arl Arrows to give directions to player (bg scenery)
273 arr
274 aru
275 ard
276 arul
277 arur
278 ardl
279 ardr
280 rnscm3 Stone ruins style column
281 rnscshd
282 rnscshd2
283 rnscot2
284 rnsct2
285 rnsgmb Ruins Block (BG)
286 rnsgmr Ruins Block (BG)
287 rnstgm Ruins Block (Solid)
290 lava1 Lava
291 lava2
292 lava3
293 lava4
294 lava5
295 lava6
296 lava7
297 lava8
298 lavab
301 invisible
302 stn1
303 stn2
304 stn3
305 s5l
306 s5r
307 beam1 Beam
308 beam2
309 ypipe1
310 ypipe2
311 ypipe3
312 ypipe4
313 ywl1
314 ywl2
315 ywl3
316 ywl4
317 ywl5
318 ywl6
319 ywl7
320 ywl8
321 ywl9
322 ywla
323 yshd1
324 yshd2
325 yshd3
326 yshd4
327 yshd5
328 yshd6
329 ywlb
330 ywlc
331 yshd7
332 yshd8
333 yg1
334 yg2
335 gry1
336 gry2
337 gry3
338 gry4
339 gry5
340 red1
341 red2
342 red3
343 red4
344 red5
345 red6
346 blue1
349 s9l
350 s9m1
351 s9m2
352 s9r
353 cvg1 Grass hanging from cave ceiling
354 cvg2
355 cvibr Stone ground used in cave
356 cvibl
360 coralshl Coral ground used in underwater levels
361 coralshd
362 coralt
363 coralt2
364 waterfl1 Waterfall
365 waterfl2
366 waterfl3
367 waterfl4
368 water0
369 waterfls1
370 waterfls2
371 waterflt
372 coralbl
373 coralbr
374 algaeb
375 waterbubl Water bubbles
376 watert1 Top of water with waves
377 watert2
378 watert3
379 watert4
380 watert5
381 watert6
382 watert7
383 watert8
384 seaweedr Seaweed (underwater scenery)
385 seaweedl
386 coralvegl
387 coralvegr
388 coraltl
389 coralm
390 coraltr
391 waterbr
392 waterbl
393 algae1 Algae (underwater scenery)
394 algae2
395 algae3
396 algae4
397 coralm2 Mussels (bg scenery used amongst coral)
398 coralm3
399 mpbrdg2 Bridge used on map
400 mpswmp1 Swamp graphics used on map
401 mpswmp2
402 mpswmp3
403 mpswmp4
404 mprkl Rock used on map
405 mprkr
406 mprk
407 mprk2l
408 mprk2r
409 mprk2
412 leaf1 Leaves used with tree blocks
413 leaf2
414 leaf3
415 leaf4
416 leaf5
417 leaf6
418 leaf7
419 leaf8
420 leaf9
421 leafa
422 brnch1 Tree branch (black bg)
423 brnch2
424 brnch3
425 brnch4
426 trnk1 Tree trunk (black bg)
427 trnk2
428 trbs1 Shrubs (scenery) (black bg)
429 trbs2
430 trbs3
431 weed Weed (scenery) (black bg)
432 rflr1 Red flower (scenery) (black bg)
433 rflr2
434 yflr1 Yellow flower (scenery) (black bg)
435 yflr2
436 srk1 Stone scenery with stone background
437 srk2
438 shrb1 Shrubs (scenery) (black bg)
439 shrb2
440 shrb3
441 shrb4
442 shrb5
443 shrb6
444 shrb7
445 shrb8
446 shrb9
447 shrba
448 shrbb
449 ldg1 Ledge (grass over stone platform)
450 ldg2
451 ldgnd1
452 ldgnd2
453 stnwl1 Stone style wall blocks
454 stnwl2
455 stnwl3
456 stnwl4
457 stnwl5
458 stnwl6
459 stnwl7
460 stnwl8
461 stnwl9
462 stnu1
463 stnu2
464 stnu3
465 stnu4
466 stnu5
467 stnu6
468 stnu7
469 stnu8
470 stnu9
471 stnua
472 stnwla
473 stnwlb
476 shd1
477 shd2
478 stnwlc
479 stnwld
480 shd3
481 rk1 Rock (scenery with stone background)
482 rk2
483 rk3
484 rk4
485 rk5
486 rk6
487 rk7
488 rk8
489 stng1 Stone w/grass (scenery with stone background)
490 stng2
491 stng3
492 smush Mushroom (scenery with stone background)
493 mush1
494 mush2
495 stnshrb1 Shrub (scenery with stone background)
496 stnshrb2
497 stnshrb3
498 stnshrb4
499 stnweed Weed (scenery with stone background)
500 u1 Fire breathing background enemy
503 u2
504 u3
505 u4
506 u5
507 u6
508 u7
509 u8
510 u9
511 ua
513 ub
514 uc
515 sprk1
516 sprk2
517 sprk3
518 sprk4
519 bnlcon Green leaves/stem for a plant
520 bnlstm
521 bnllf
522 bnrcon
523 bnrstm
524 bnrlf
525 bnm
526 bnl
527 bnr
528 acid1 Acid used in factory
529 acid2
530 acid3
531 acid4
532 acid5
533 acid6
534 acid7
535 acid8
536 acidb
544 rkr Rock tiles used for rock cave/mountain level
545 rkm2
546 rkm3
549 thrnt Thorn/spikes used in rock cave
550 thrnb
551 rkm
552 rkbk1
553 rkbk2
554 rkbk3
555 rkldgl Rock ground platform for rock cave
556 rkldgm
557 rkldgr
558 rkb1
559 rkb2
560 rkibl
561 rkibr
562 rkshd Thorn/spikes used in rock cave
563 thornt
564 thornb
565 rklshd
566 rkbkl
567 rkrshd More rock tiles used in rock cave
568 rkbkr
569 rkldgl2
570 rkobl
571 rkldgr2
572 rkobr
573 rkl
574 waterend1 Water with rock background
575 waterend2
576 waterend3
577 waterend4
578 waterend5
579 waterend6
580 waterend7
581 waterend8
582 watermst1 Waterfall entering top of water
583 watermst2
584 watermst3
585 watermst4
586 watermst5
587 watermst6
588 watermst7
589 watermst8
590 waterwav1 Water wave/ripples
591 waterwav2
592 waterwav3
593 waterwav4
594 waterwav5
595 waterwav6
596 waterwav7
597 waterwav8
598 spike1 Spikes (black bg)
599 spike2
600 spike3
601 spike4
602 spike5
603 spike6
604 lavark1
605 lavark2
606 lavaflw1 Lava in volcano level
607 lavaflw2
608 lavaflw3
609 lavaflw4
610 vine1 Leafy vine to climb
611 vine2
612 vine3
613 vine4
614 vine5
615 vine6
616 flow1 Pipes with green acid (factory stage scenery)
617 flow2
618 flow3
619 pb Pipes with green acid (factory stage scenery)
620 pt
621 pm1
622 pmdrp
623 ptdrp
624 vent
629 cube1 Cube blocks used in factory stage
630 cube2
631 pl Horizontal pipes (factory stage scenery)
632 pr
633 pc
634 pmft Additional pipes (factory stage scenery)
635 pcon
636 pmbk
637 pmr
638 pmlk
639 pm2
640 pm3
641 fcbl Factory background scenery
642 fcl
643 fctl
644 fcr
645 fctr
646 fcbr
647 fcb
648 fct
649 lever1
650 lever2
651 lever3
652 lever4
653 lever5
654 lever6
655 lever7
656 drive Next several items are more factory background scenery
657 redx
658 orb
659 gobk
660 fc1
661 fc2
662 vent2
663 fc3
664 fc4
665 fc5
666 alien_q
667 alien_e
668 alien_p
669 alien_i
670 alien_c
671 pml
672 pmrd
673 pmld
674 capb
675 capt
676 elec1 Grates (factory bg scenery)
677 elec2
678 elec3
679 elec4
680 elec5
681 elec6
682 elec7
683 elec8
684 elec9
685 pmshd
686 fcshd1
687 fcshd2
688 pbig
689 psml
690 pmr2
691 pml2
692 pmrd2
693 pmld2
700 mpfld Map dirt paths
701 mphor
702 mpver
703 mptl
704 mptm
705 mptr
706 mpl
707 mpm
708 mpr
709 mpbl
710 mpbm
711 mpbr
712 mpg1 Map grass
713 mpg2
714 mptr1 Map trees
715 mptr2
716 mptr3
717 mptr4
718 mpgttl
719 mpgttr
720 mpgate Map locked gate
721 mpgtl Map stone wall
722 mpgtr
723 mpwl
724 mpwlc
725 mpwll2
726 mpwl2shd
727 mpwlshd
728 mpcv1 Map cave opening
729 mpcv2
730 mpcv3
731 mpcv4
732 mpcv5
733 mpcv6
734 s6l
735 s6r
736 grsl Grass that goes over dirt blocks (level 3)
737 grsr
738 drtul Dirt (level 3 ground)
739 drtur
740 drtl1
741 drtr1
742 drtl2
743 drtr2
744 drtb1
745 drtb2
746 rt1 Roots suspended in air (black bg)
747 rt2
748 drtb3
749 rt3
750 drtrt1 Roots (scenery within dirt blocks)
751 drtrt2
752 drtrt3
753 drtrt4
754 limb1 Tree limb bridge (level 3)
755 limb2
756 drtl1b
757 drtr1b
758 drt4b
759 s8m
760 s8l
761 s8r
762 rdbl
763 rdbr
764 rdm
765 rdm2
766 rdl1
767 rdl2
768 rdr1
769 rdr2
770 rdm3
771 rdm4
772 rdm5
773 rdm6
774 rdb1
775 rdb2
776 rdtr1
777 rdtr2
778 rdtr3
779 rdtr4
780 rdtr5
781 rdtr6
782 rdtr7
783 rdtr8
784 cr1 Large white crystals (scenery, black bg)
785 cr2
786 cr3
787 cr4
788 cr5
789 cr6
790 cr7
791 cr8
792 cr9
793 cra
794 crb
795 crc
796 crd
797 cre
798 crf
799 crg
800 br Grey Block (Solid)
801 brt Grey Block Top (Solid)
802 brb Grey Block Bottom (Solid)
803 brbl Grey Block Left (Solid)
804 brbr Grey Block Right (Solid)
805 brwl1
806 brwl2
807 brshd
808 brwlbl
809 brwlbr
810 brwlg
811 brwlb
812 brrd
813 brgrn
814 br2
815 brdr1
816 brdr2
817 brdr3
818 brdr4
819 brdr5
820 brdr6
821 brs1l
822 brs1r
823 brs2l
824 brs2r
825 brbrdg1
826 brbrdg2
827 brwl3a
828 brwl3b
829 brwl3c
830 brwl3d
831 qbk
832 qwin
833 qst
834 qsb
835 qsshd
836 qvntl
837 qvntm
838 qvntr
839 qvnl
840 qvnr
841 qvnbl
842 qvnbm
843 qvnbr
844 qorb
845 qorbshd
846 qp1
847 qp2
848 qp3
849 qp4
850 qp5
851 qp6
852 qzap1
853 qzap2
854 qzap3
855 htgsl
856 htgsm1
857 htgsm2
858 htgsr
859 htt
860 htm
861 htb
862 htbrnch1
863 htbrnch2
864 htbmshd
865 htbm1
866 htbm2
867 htbm3
868 htwll
869 htwlr
870 htwl
871 htshd
872 htrfm
873 htrfl
874 htrfr
875 htrfbl
876 htrfbr
877 htrfbm
878 htt1
879 htt2
880 mpwtl Map blocks related to land meeting water
881 mpwtr
882 mpwbl
883 mpwbr
884 mpwr1
885 mpwr2
886 mpwl1
887 mpwl2
888 mpwt1
889 mpwt2
890 mpwb1
891 mpwb2
892 mpwtlc
893 mpwtrc
894 mpwblc
895 mpwbrc
896 mpw0
897 mpbrdg1 Map, horizontal bridge

Object Configuration

KILLME – This is the default and will appear if an object name does not exist.

PLAYER OBJECTS – These are added via the code and not during editing.

PLAYER - Malvineous during gameplay

TINY - Tiny Malvineous for map
HEROBEE - Malvineous turns into a bee
HEROSWIM - Malvineous gets into the S.U.P. (Submersible Underwater Pod)


ALIEN – Dis Y=8
BITER – STAT=0 (facing right), STAT=1 (facing left)
BLOB – Dis Y=3
GRUNT – Dis Y=7
LEECH – Dis Y=-7
ROBOT – Dis Y=4
SPIDER – Dis Y=8, XD=2 (facing right), XD=-3 (facing left)


Type CNT
Purple 0
Yellow 1
Gray 2
Spiked 3
Ceiling (Down) 1 1-22 (interval - lower means shorter and thus faster)
Floor (Up) 0 1-22 (interval - lower means shorter and thus faster)







ADDSTEP – XD=type of step to add

ice cream 0
E (ring) 1 (gives the player rapid fire)
Grapes 2
disk 3
green lollipop 4
red lollipop 5
cherries 6
pot of gold 7
strawberry 8
E (pool ball) 9 (collect all 4 in the proper order and get a 4,000 point bonus!)
P (pool ball) 10
I (pool ball) 11
C (pool ball) 12
Journal 13
Orange 14
Baseball 15
eighth note 16
keyboard 17
E (block) 18
PC 19 (2,000 points)
pink flower 20
yellow flower 21
red flower 22
star fish 23
treasure chest 24 (SUPERSEDED with BOX)
blue box 25 (SUPERSEDED with BOX)
yellow box 26 (SUPERSEDED with BOX)
present 27 (SUPERSEDED with BOX)
fireball 28 (SUPERSEDED with BOX) (3 fireballs)

BOX (STAT =items inside; XD=type of box; YD=-1 visible; CNT=trig#)
Type XD
Treasure Chest 0
Blue box 1
Yellow box 2
Present 3
Items inside STAT
Hearts 0
Grapes 1
Cherries 2
Strawberry 3
Orange 4
Disk 5
Key0 (yellow) 6
Key1 (green) 7
Key2 (red) 8
Key3 (blue) 9
High Jump 10
Emerald 11
Fire 12

CLOUD – XD=1 (clouds you can stand on to get to higher places)
Yellow 0
Green 1
Red 2
Blue 3

Green 0
Purple 1
Red 2
Yellow 3

Saber of King Arkul 0
Enchanted Sky Crystals 1
Dark Ring of Terror 2

Yellow 0
Green 1
Red 2
Blue 3

PAD – CNT=number to trig, STAT=-1 off, 0 trig, 1 on
Change into Bee 1 9 (use this in conjunction with Token – Magic Potion)
Enter S.U.P. 0 98 (must cover entire opening when entering water)
Exit S.U.P. 0 99

SPRING – CNT=height
SWITCH – CNT=trig#, XD=0 onoff, 1=toggle
TOKEN – CNT=inv ref number
Crown 0 98 (used when Malvineous exists S.U.P.)
Extra Laser Bullet 4 0
Magic Potion 5 0 (this is used in conjunction with a pad to change into the bee.)
S.U.P. 6 99 (used in conjunction with Pad when Malvineous enters the S.U.P.)
Rock to throw 7 0
Xibok Shoes 8 0


FRONT (Items can walk behind these)
Type STAT (object to walk behind)
Pillar Top 0
Pillar Middle 1
Pillar Bottom 2
Red Block 3
Exit Post 4
Tile s3 5
Tile s7 6 (top used in level 10 for hidden area, to be used in conjunction with 12 below)
Weed 7
Mushroom 8
Map Tree 1 9 (allows tiny character to walk behind trees)
Map Tree 2 10 (allows tiny character to walk behind trees)
Exit Sign 11
Tile wl4 12 (wall used in level 10 for hidden area, to be used in conjunction with 6 above)
Reactor 13 (actual reactor)
Unknown 14 (invisible and not sure what it does)
<-TO 15
REACTOR 16 (text pointing to reactor)

Left side of volcano 0
Right side of volcano 1
Left side of mountain 2
Right side of mountain 3

MAPDEMO – Dis Y=10, XD=1
TEXT6 - You can type/modify text in Boards such as the story screens with this option and TEXT8 below. Here is an example.

Type Dis Y
Top 8
Middle -2
Bottom 4

TORCH – CNT=0 (small flame), CNT=2 (medium), CNT=4 (large), CNT=6 (huge)

GAME FUNCTIONS (not for use in game design)

ROCK (this is different than the rock you collect)
BRIDGER – XD and YD=Direction (UNKNOWN - need to research)


Enter S.U.P.
Token – STAT=6 and CNT=99 (Set the upper left corner above the waterline one full tile.)
Pad – CNT=98
  1. Must cover entire opening when entering or the player will hit the water and die.
  2. It is recommended to put the first pad in the exact same location as the token.
Exit S.U.P.
Token – CNT=98
Pad – CNT=99
Change into Bee
Token – STAT=5
Pad – YD=1 and CNT=9
Turn back into Player from Bee
Token – CNT=98
Pad – CNT=0