Based on the popular X-Men franchise by Marvel Comics, Children of the Atom is a fighting game in the style of Street Fighter II and other Capcom fighting games. Six heroes and four villains (plus two bosses) are rendered in SF2-style animation, and the controls should be familiar to anyone who is used to playing SF2 and its many sequels. In addition to the normal fighting moves and combos, each character has an X-Power meter that allows them to unleash insanely powerful attacks. Known for its huge combos and animated destruction, Children of the Atom really feels like mutants with incredible powers are fighting, as opposed to the mere mortals in other fighting games. The demo includes a test from SciTech Display Doctor that determines what graphics modes are available, but it may choose a strange resolution like 400×600. Decline the option to install UniVBE during installation to ensure that the game plays in normal 640×480×256c SVGA Mode 101. The demo is such a direct port of the arcade game that it contains a memory test that checks the integrity of EEPROM and ROM chips, and has a file for the SRAM. Only Wolverine and Psylocke are playable in the demo. There are 10 playable fighters in this game, with only two playable in the shareware version.
Added by DOSGuy
X-Men: Children of the Atom v1.01 Demo (6,128,698 bytes) | 1997-06-05 | DOS |
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