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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis  1992

Based on the legendary SCUMM engine, Fate of Atlantis is a point-and-click adventure. Set in 1939, you play the roles of Indiana Jones and Sophia Hapgood as they try to prevent the Nazis from using a powerful metal from the lost city of Atlantis to take over the world. The game features some of the most beautiful graphics to ever appear in a DOS game and a memorable musical score. Part way through the game, you can choose between three paths to take, each of which will take you to different locations and cause a different storyline to play out: the Wits Path (hard puzzles), Fists Path (easier puzzles, more fighting), and the Team Path (requires Sophia Hapgood to solve many puzzles). The shareware version contains the final stage of the Fists Path up to the point where the paths converge at Atlantis.

Added by DOSGuy


EGA Mode 0Eh

Screenshot of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
VGA Mode 13h

Screenshot of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Interactive Demonstration v2 (817,465 bytes) 1992-06-18 DOS
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Interactive Demonstration (788,977 bytes) 1992-05-07 DOS Play online


LucasArts no longer sells this game.

It can be downloaded in a Windows-compatible format from GOG for $5.99.

It can be purchased from Amazon:

Amazon .com .ca .fr .de
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis US UK Deutschland
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade/Fate of Atlantis UK
Die Abenteuer des Indiana Jones Deutschland
Indiana Jones Adventure Kit Deutschland
LucasArts Triple Pack US
LucasArts Archives Volume 1 US
Adventure Pack Deutschland
Zehn Adventures: Die Adventure Spielesammlung Deutschland