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Alpha Man  1992

If you're looking for a really hard puzzle game, you've found it. Alpha Man features a 7×11 grid with the letters to a specific word located throughout the grid. Alpha Man must walk around and push letter blocks onto their corresponding locations on the grid. Once pushed, the letter blocks will slide until they hit a wall, another letter block, or the master block. The master block can be pushed one square at a time. This game is far too difficult for me, but someone out there must be up to the challenge. I wasn't able to complete any of the levels, but the shareware version includes the solution to the first five levels. It takes 193 moves to complete the first level! There are 50 levels in this game, with only the first 25 playable in the shareware version.

Added by DOSGuy


EGA Mode 10h

Screenshot of Alpha Man


Complete version history:

Alpha Man v1.1 Shareware (126,625 bytes) xxxx DOS Play online
Alpha Man v1.0 Shareware (93,255 bytes) xxxx DOS


Soleau Software still sells the registered version of this game for $12 by download.