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Currently hosting 1 Microdem game!

Microdem  ca

Microdem is known for creating a single game, Space Nightmare. Microdem appears to have been composed of three people: programmer Sebastien Demers, Sound Blaster programmer Remi Bilodeau, and graphics artist Martin Girard. Located in Clericy, Quebec, which was amalgamated into Rouyn-Noranda in 2002, the city's primary industry is copper mining. This fact seems to have inspired the backstory for Space Nightmare, in which aliens have invaded Earth in order to steal copper, which doesn't exist on their own planet.


963 Bridges Street
Clericy, Quebec, Canada
J0Z 1P0
Fax: 1-819-637-2159
Email: 74370,


Games developed (1)
Games published (1)
All games (1)