SetView(MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY)
Sets the screen viewport boundary values.
The screen viewport is an area in which all graphics functions except PrintString and PrintStringX must fit. If not, they are clipped on the viewport's boundaries. The default size of the screen viewport is the size of the screen mode being used. For example, if you were in the 320x200x16 color graphics mode and drew a line from 0, 0, to 500, 199; the line's X2 value would be clipped at 319 which is the default maximum horizontal border value for that screen mode. You can set the screen viewport to any size that you want. The only limitation is that the values can be no smaller or larger than the physical size of the screen mode you are working in. The PrintString and PrintStringX functions ignore the screen viewport and place text anywhere on the screen. This is because you are working in text screen coordinates and not graphics screen coordinates.
MinX - Minimum horizontal border value
MinY - Minimum vertical border value
MaxX - Maximum horizontal border value
MaxY - Maximum vertical border value
CALL SetView(10, 10, 309, 189)PASCAL
SetView(10, 10, 309, 189);BGI equivalent
void setviewport(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int clip);