CHAPTER 2 - BASIC And PASCAL Programming Interfaces
This chapter describes the BASIC and PASCAL programming interfaces for GRAFIX. All the functions are listed in alphabetical order with a description of what the function does, an explanation of each parameter, and an example of how to use it in your program for both BASIC and PASCAL. Following the functions listing there is a section on the necessary steps to integrate the interface for each language product into your program.
Animate | Animates an image as described in the ExtPut function. |
AudioOff | Turns all current sounds and noises off and disables background processing. |
BLoad | Stores a file saved with BASIC's BSAVE function into the specified area of memory. |
ClearKey | Clears the keyboard buffer. |
ClearScreen | Clears the screen viewport using the current background color. |
ColorOff | Turns the color signal off for use with a monochrome composite monitor. |
ColorOn | Turns the color signal back on again if you had turned it off with ColorOff. |
CurrentPoint | Returns the current X, Y coordinates. |
CursorOff | Sets the graphics cursor off making it invisible. |
CursorOn | Sets the graphics cursor on making it visible. |
CursorStatus | Returns the current graphics cursor status and size. |
DrawBox | Draws a line box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
DrawBoxC | Draws a line box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
ExitGraphics | Leaves the graphics screen mode, enters the 80x25 color text screen mode, and disables all graphics functions. |
Ellipse | Draws an ellipse centered at the specified X, Y position using the specified major and minor axes and current drawing color. |
EllipseC | Draws an ellipse centered at the specified X, Y position using the specified major and minor axes and specified color. |
ExtCircle | Draws a circle centered at X, Y using the specified radius, current values of aspect ratio and current drawing color. |
ExtCircleC | Draws a circle centered at X, Y using the specified radius, current values of aspect ratio and the specified color. |
ExtGet | Stores a graphics image from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 into the an integer array. |
ExtLine | Draws a line from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
ExtLineC | Draws a line from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
ExtPaint | Fills an enclosed shape starting at X, Y with the specified fill color stopping at the specified boundary color. |
ExtPut | Transfers a graphics image stored with ExtGet starting at X, Y using the specified action. |
ExtSound | Generates a sound with the specified frequency, duration, volume, and sound channel. |
FastTimer | Sets the speed of the 8253 timer chip. |
FillBox | Draws a solid box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
FillBoxC | Draws a solid box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
GetActivePage | Returns the current active page. See the PageCopy function for more information on video paging. |
GetAspect | Returns the current horizontal and vertical portions of the aspect ratio used in circle drawing. |
GetBackColor | Returns the current background color. |
GetCursor | Returns the current text row and column. |
GetDisplayPage | Returns the current display page. See the PageCopy function for more information on video paging. |
GetInput | Allows input of string variables while in the color graphics mode. |
GetPlotColor | Returns the current drawing color. |
GetScreen | Copies the entire screen buffer into an integer array. |
GetTandy11 | Returns the the status of the TANDY11 driver for using the 640x200x16 color graphics mode on the Tandy 1000 SL/TL computers. |
GetTextColor | Returns the current text color used in the PrintString function. |
GetTimer | Returns the current speed of the 8253 timer chip. See the FastTimer function for more information on the 8253 timer chip. |
GetView | Returns the current values of the screen viewport. |
GraphStatus | Returns whether the graphics functions are enabled or disabled. |
HalfCursor | Sets the text cursor to half size. |
HighGraphics | Enters the 640x200x16 color graphics screen mode and enables all graphics functions on the Tandy 1000 SL/TL computers only. |
LineRel | Draws a line a relative distance from the current X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
LineRelC | Draws a line a relative distance from the current X, Y position using the specified color. |
LineTo | Draws a line to the specified X, Y position from the current X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
LineToC | Draws a line to the specified X, Y position from the current X, Y position using the specified drawing color. |
LowGraphics | Enters the 160x200x16 color graphics screen mode and enables all graphics functions. |
MediumGraphics | Enters the 320x200x16 color graphics screen mode and enables all graphics functions. |
MoveRel | Moves a relative distance from the current X, Y position without plotting any points. |
MoveTo | Moves to the specified X, Y position from the current X, Y position without plotting any points. |
Noise | Generates a periodic or white noise sound with the specified volume for the specified length of time. |
NoiseBufOff | Disables background processing of noises. |
NoiseBufOn | Enables the processing of noises in background. |
NoiseOff | Turns off all current noises off and disables background processing of noises. |
NormalCursor | Sets the text cursor to normal size. |
PageCopy | Copies the source video page to the destination video page. |
PaletteUsing | Changes the color palette using 16 elements of an integer array starting with the specified index value. |
Pause | Delays a program for the specified number of clock ticks. |
PlotPoint | Plots a point at the specified X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
PlotPointC | Plots a point at the specified X, Y position using the specified color. |
PointColor | Returns the color of the point at the specified X, Y position. |
PrintString | Prints a text string using the current text color and advances to the next line. |
PrintStringX | Prints a text string using the current text color but does not advance to the next line. |
PutScreen | Transfers the saved image from an integer array stored with the GetScreen function to the screen buffer. |
ResetPalette | Resets the color palette to the default state. |
ResetTimer | Resets the 8253 timer chip to its default speed of 1. See the FastTimer function for a description of the 8253 timer chip. |
ResetView | Resets the screen viewport to its default size. |
SetActivePage | Sets the current active page which all graphics functions will work with. See the PageCopy function for a description of video pages. |
SetAspect | Sets the horizontal and vertical portions of the aspect ratio used in circle drawing. |
SetBackColor | Sets the current background color. |
SetCursor | Sets the current text cursor position for use with the PrintString function. |
SetDisplayPage | Sets the current display page which will be displayed on the computer monitor. See the PageCopy function for a description of video pages. |
SetPalette | Allows you to redefine any one of the 16 palette registers. |
SetPlotColor | Sets the current drawing color for use in graphic functions that do not specify a color as one of the parameters. |
SetTextColor | Sets the current text color used by PrintString. |
SetView | Sets the screen viewport boundary values. |
SoundBufOff | Disables background processing of sounds. |
SoundBufOn | Enables background processing of sounds. |
SoundOff | Turns off all current sounds off and disables background processing of sounds. |
SpeakerOff | Disables the exterior speaker. |
SpeakerOn | Enables the exterior speaker. |
WaitKey | Pauses the program and waits for a key to be pressed at the keyboard. |
XorCircle | XORs a circle centered at X, Y using the specified radius, current values of aspect ratio and current drawing color. |
XorCircleC | XORs a circle centered at X, Y using the specified radius, current values of aspect ratio and the specified color. |
XorDrawBox | XORs a line box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
XorDrawBoxC | XORs a line box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
XorEllipse | XORs an ellipse centered at the specified X, Y position using the specified major and minor axes and current drawing color. |
XorEllipseC | XORs an ellipse centered at the specified X, Y position using the specified major and minor axes and specified color. |
XorFillBox | XORs a solid box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
XorFillBoxC | XORs a solid box from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
XorLine | XORs a line from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the current drawing color. |
XorLineC | XORs a line from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 using the specified color. |
XorLineRel | XORs a line a relative distance from the current X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
XorLineRelC | XORs a line a relative distance from the current X, Y position using the specified color. |
XorLineTo | XORs a line to the specified X, Y position from the current X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
XorLineToC | XORs a line to the specified X, Y position from the current X, Y position using the specified drawing color. |
XorPoint | XORs a point at the specified X, Y position using the current drawing color. |
XorPointC | XORs a point at the specified X, Y position using the specified color. |