looking for a puzzle game... [Teenagent]

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Less than a nibble
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looking for a puzzle game...

Post by robuust »

Hi, first of all, i want to say that this is great website, i mean, i can play heartlight :D played that for hours back in the days:D

But now i'm looking for another game.

The protagonist wears a red shirt and blue trousers and wears a baseball cap (or something)
you were some kind of "secret agent", and the goal of the game was to get out of the area by using your surroundings. A puzzle wich I can remember:

There is a pidgeon sitting on top of a telephone pole, and you want it:P I found some breadcrumbs and some sleeping pills, so i crushed the pills, combined it with the crumbs. The bird started eating from it, causing the bird to faint. Then, you go to the bar in that area, release the bird so that it distracts the bar owner so that you can steal the mug on the bar, wich can be used for.. i dont know:P it is kinda complex, yes:P

Its a sidescrolling game, with some simple commands, like, pick up, combine, etc.

I played it around the year 1998-1997 or so.

i believ it was called "geheim agent" wich means secret agent, but it isnt that game
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Re: looking for a puzzle game...

Post by Qbix »

teen agent!
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Re: looking for a puzzle game...

Post by DOSGuy »

Teenagent actually, but close enough!
Today entirely the maniac there is no excuse with the article.
Less than a nibble
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Re: looking for a puzzle game...

Post by robuust »

*bows in gratitude*
you guys are amazing! :D :D
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Re: looking for a puzzle game...

Post by Qbix »

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