Gary Acord rips off other's games

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Gary Acord rips off other's games

Post by leilei » ... 2%A0%C2%A0

have fun identifying them. I know Shootout in Zapperstein was originally "Amazing Graphics' Maze War" or so
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Re: Gary Acord rips off other's games

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

Never heard of this guy. The games do look familiar, though.
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Re: Gary Acord rips off other's games

Post by MrFlibble »

Sorry for the bump yet again.
I remember checking a few of those games, which I also found at DOS Museum. Each of the several Wolfenstein 3-D "mods" I've tried boasted like 50-100 variations, which turned to be texture and sprite swaps of the same level sets over and over again. For some reason, all of it would play very slowly in DOSBox, guess the hack that added floor and ceiling textures to Wolf 3-D turned out to be resource-consuming (I wonder why he didn't use the Blake Stone version of the engine, especially when many sprites are "borrowed" from there). There was also a set where the enemies got replaced with crude drawings of anime girls in bikinis, which I personally find rather disturbing. Gary Acord's website has an almost alarming amount of suchlike mods.
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Re: Gary Acord rips off other's games

Post by leilei »

Those wolf3d mods? Those aren't his own either, infact those "babe" ones seem ripped off ffrom a guy in South Korea, I wonder if he knows he's being ripped off.
His own website seems to be very pretentious, full of lots of tall tales on how he's 'famous', and there's also the fact he's asking for money, wishing to commercially exploit unauthorized stuff that is not his own.

He even links to my GCSGames site backup. I feel bad because he might have snagged stuff from other's games that were preserved there.

amusingly, shootout at zapperstein was removed. lol
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Re: Gary Acord rips off other's games

Post by MrFlibble »

leilei wrote:Those wolf3d mods? Those aren't his own either, infact those "babe" ones seem ripped off ffrom a guy in South Korea, I wonder if he knows he's being ripped off.
At least he (Acord) acknowledges somewhere that he took that stuff from somewhere else, but it's still pretty annoying (and mostly boring). There are so many quality mods for Wolf3D and Doom, but even without any comparison the "wolfmods" look pretty cheap.
leilei wrote:His own website seems to be very pretentious, full of lots of tall tales on how he's 'famous', and there's also the fact he's asking for money, wishing to commercially exploit unauthorized stuff that is not his own.
TBH I wanted to bring up the money stuff too, but when I linked to the site while posting, I skimmed it through and didn't notice the info on buying any of the stuff, although I remember quite clearly that some things were for sale while others were free when I last checked about a year ago or so.
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