Sergey Ryzhkov 
Sergey Ryzhkov (Сергей Рыжков) is an independent author from Moscow. He published his first game, Kalakh, while Russia was part of the Soviet Union. In Kosynka, published by Everett Kaser following the fall of the Soviet Union, the copyright is attributed to "Sergey Rhyzkov", though a short note from the author at the end of the documentation lists himself as "Sergey Ryzhkow" (w and v are interchangeable when romanizing Cyrillic names). The former was probably an error by the author or Everett Kaser, since there is no reason for an h to appear after the r: the letters "zh" are used to represent a soft G sound, as in "orange" in English or "jouer" in French.
Little is known about Sergey Ryzhkov, but much can be learned from his email addresses. In Kalakh, his email address was (Soviet Union). Between 1988 and 1990, Relcom/Demos (the first part being an abbreviation for "RELiable COMmunications") became the first and most extensive email network of the Soviet era. In 1992, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Relcom/Demos split into two companies – AO Relcom and SP Demos – both of which continue to be the dominant network providers in Russia to this day.
In Kosynka, released in 1992, a second email address appears above the Demos address: KIAE stands for Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, today known as the Kurchatov Institute. The institute was founded in 1943 to develop nuclear weapons, and designed most of the Soviet Union's nuclear reactors. It produced pioneering work on thermonuclear fusion and plasma physics, and recently became the main coordinating organization for Russian nanotechnology. Located in Moscow, it reports directly to the Russian government, and its president is selected by the Russian Prime Minister. The unlikely connection between Relcom/Demos and the Kurchatov Institute is that Relcom's base of operations is located at the KIAE. Sergey probably had a KIAE email address because he worked there as a Relcom/Demos employee.
The "sir" in his email addresses suggests that his patronym starts with I. A Sergey I. Ryzhkov is currently the director of Moscow-based Cronyx Plus (Кроникс плюс) which appears to operate an ISP called RiNet, which is in a related industry.
From Kosynka:Sergey Ryzhkov
fl.14, Zubovsky proesd,2
119021, Moscow, Russia
Games developed (2)Games published (1)
All games (2)