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Unofficial weapon editor for Tyrian.

Posted: February 4th, 2010, 4:02 pm
by Videogamer555
There's this really cool editor (no I'm not talking about the ShipEdit program relased by the author of the Tyrian game, which sucks because you can't use weapons in said editor until you've used them in the game), but instead is a 3rd party software which actually lets you modify the weapons themselves. For example I can turn the Pulse Cannon (the pea shooter they give you in the start of the game) into a whoop ass gun that kills any boss if you hold the shots on'm for only about 1 second (even Plasma Storm is weaker as it is closer to 2 seconds)! I found this editor at a Tyrian fan site.
Fan site link here:
Link to downloads page on fan site: ... loads.html
Link to download weapon editor: ...

Re: Unofficial weapon editor for Tyrian.

Posted: February 8th, 2010, 8:37 pm
by Videogamer555
Oh yeah, and I can also change the starting price of any weapon (but can't change weapon upgrade prices it seems).