Clyde's Revenge
Posted: December 10th, 2005, 10:39 pm
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Keeping the classics alive... together
I also liked the colour and then the graphics in Clyde's Revenge, but not as much as Clyde's Adventure. For example, I liked the font in Clyde's Adventure, but not as much as that in Clyde's Revenge at all.Caribbean Blue wrote:I actually liked the graphics in Clyde's Revenge. I'm playing it for the fourth time.
There is also a secret code to get an unlimited supply of energy in Clyde's Adventure too. It gives you 10000 units of energy, and then for an average castle, does it consume you more than 500 units of energy? Or for a tough castle with more of spikes and ice, more than 1000 units of energy, even played fast and also with a lot of carelessness?Caribbean Blue wrote:Clyde's Revenge is definitely more relaxed than Clyde's Adventure, with no energy lost from walking or jumping, or no energy lost whatsoever in "Kiddie" mode!
I never bothered about the music. I never heard the music. I never knew how to get the music on, even with on mode, also with the speaker on.Caribbean Blue wrote:I liked the music, too.
Hmm... the game runs fine for me. Are you using DOSBox?raman22feb1988 wrote:I never bothered about the music. I never heard the music. I never knew how to get the music on, even with on mode, also with the speaker on.
For example, the game is slow, castles are long, taking 10 minutes on an average, not giving to make me ready for a short relaxation only so.
And then a pressure to cover all the zones, not to leave any area to collect all the stones at all, as there are also too many split ups along the way.
No need for DOSBox for me at all. With the Windows XP Command Prompt itself, Clyde's Revenge can be played at slow speed. By the way, this is not the case for Clyde's Adventure, but at the lowest of the 255 adjustments, the speed of Clyde's Adventure is manageable with the Command Prompt of Windows XP. No matter about the music at all. Music doesn't seem important to me at all.Caribbean Blue wrote:Hmmm... the game runs fine for me. Are you using DOSBox?
Never mind. Doesn't matter that if I dropped taking a stone somewhere, and then if it is not reachable from the point where you are in, I can replay the castle again? How long is it going to take my extra time to spare? Old ways already get practiced, by the way, on playing!Caribbean Blue wrote:The level design of Clyde's Revenge is so brilliant, that if you do end up missing one stone somewhere, you will always be able to get it, no matter where you are in the castle (most of the time). The only exception is E1L6. It is possible to get stuck in that castle.
What cheat? For getting unlimited energy? Press the E key five times.Caribbean Blue wrote:What is the cheat for Clyde's Adventure?
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is wrong.Caribbean Blue wrote:I actually liked the graphics in Clyde's Revenge. I'm playing it for the fourth time. The only thing that I hate is the fact that I can't go back to levels that I liked, like in Clyde's Adventure. Clyde's Revenge is definitely more relaxed than Clyde's Adventure, with no energy lost from walking or jumping, or no energy lost whatsoever in "Kiddie" mode! Sometimes, a more relaxed game is better. I liked the music, too. I found myself humming it all the time. My favorite graphic would have to be in E1L4 and E2L2: the red laser-like thing that filled the spaces and appeared at random. I found myself daydreaming and staring at it for 10 minutes or more sometimes. It made me think of that white laser that hurts you. I used to wonder what would happen if I touched it. Would it hurt me? Would it warp me to some kind of secret level? At one point in E1L4, it looked like at one section, you were able to touch it, but once you got close enough, the floor and ceiling appeared and stopped you from touching it. The screaming sound of Clyde when he gets hurt was pretty annoying sometimes. The abstract backgrounds made the game. Whenever I play Clyde's Revenge, it reminds me of being in some sort of abstract painting, with the backgrounds, the randomly flashing lights, and the music. Mike Voss said that he made all of these games just for money. I can't help thinking that maybe a part of him made these games for his own enjoyment and to express his creativity. He put a lot into these games, and I think that he gets a lot less credit for them than he deserves. By the way, does anyone even know what Mike Voss looks like?
I just finished playing this level. One lever is led to by the tunnel to the left of where you start. Another is led to by another tunnel near the top left of the level. This tunnel is rather long. A third one can be reached after going through a room with slippery blue blocks of alternating heights surrounded by lava. It's out in the open, so you can't miss it. The last one can only be accessed by a warp which is rather hidden. This is probably the one you're stuck on. To the left of the long tunnel are bricks that you can destroy. Once you're under the bricks, continue to your right until you come to the edge of a cliff. Jump as far as possible to the right off of this cliff, and you'll find a warp zone on a ledge. Once inside of this warp zone, there will be two lines of green up arrows to your left and a trampoline to your right. Jump onto the trampoline until you reach slippery blue blocks in the air, and jump across these blue blocks to the left until you reach the fourth lever. Once you press this lever, simply use the green up arrows to get to where the first lever I mentioned was, go back up through the tunnel, and (if you've done the level correctly) there should be a hole where you started. Go down this hole and when you reach the bottom, you will find that door opened to your left. However, by now you've either given up or found it already, so I guess this could be used as a guide for anyone else who is stuck.thechosen27 wrote:I need some help. I'm on Game 2, castle 4. To pass this one, you've gotta find 4 levers guarded by silver locks. I can find 3, but the 4th doesn't seem to be anywhere. I've spent about an hour and a half looking for it. Where is it?!