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Street Rod

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 6:38 am
by delMar

I have been tinkering with modding the game Street Rod.
Although I have been able to find out some small things about which data is located where, I completely fail at decompilation or finding out where images are stored...

The full games can be found here:
So, anyone who's also interested in modding that game is cordially invited :-)
I will post my findings here on this thread later today.

Re: Street Rod

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 8:48 pm
by Malvineous
It says the special edition comes with "25 replacement cars" - have you tried contacting the people who made this version? I guess they have modding utilities.

I've had a quick look and it looks like the lib* files are archives. If you open them in a good hex editor (one that can show CP437 glyphs) and expand it to 30 bytes per row you can see the pattern, with one file entry per row. It looks like the filenames are encrypted with a simple XOR cipher, as you can see that the blanks after the filenames are all increasing in value, ending with 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E. There are even a few rows that start from 00 01 02 03 etc. So hopefully it won't be too difficult to decode that.

Re: Street Rod

Posted: April 18th, 2015, 3:03 am
by delMar
Thanks for the quick response!
Malvineous wrote:It says the special edition comes with "25 replacement cars" - have you tried contacting the people who made this version? I guess they have modding utilities.
The 25 replacement cars was the official data disk of the first game, it's no fan mod.
But besides that, I have contacted the guy who runs the website about whether he has any tools or information available.
He told me he was quite busy and would get back to me, but that didn't happen. I think that was back in October.
Malvineous wrote: I've had a quick look and it looks like the lib* files are archives. If you open them in a good hex editor (one that can show CP437 glyphs) and expand it to 30 bytes per row you can see the pattern, with one file entry per row. It looks like the filenames are encrypted with a simple XOR cipher, as you can see that the blanks after the filenames are all increasing in value, ending with 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E. There are even a few rows that start from 00 01 02 03 etc. So hopefully it won't be too difficult to decode that.
Thanks, I tried that. Yes, now I can clearly see the pattern. I was experimenting with different sizes, but I think I didn't get up to 30.
I use HxD, which allows me to set the encoding to DOS/IBM-ASCII. I can see lots of glyphs which I remember from DOS times, but I can't take away any valuable information from them.

HOT_DATA seems to hold the car and opponent data. Here's the information I found so far:

Code: Select all

25 cars (0x19 is at offset 0x182), 40 parts (0x28), 22 opponents (0x16)

1st block: 22 x 18 bytes. information about opponents
000 - 18b: bytes 08 - 11 are filled in the savegame (see savegame description for details). amiga datafile does not have bytes 08 - 11

                pic   name
   00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11
   00 14 0A 00 AC 04 93 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Mike
   00 12 0C 00 AA 04 99 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ralph
   00 14 0A 00 B9 04 A0 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Kirk
   00 12 0C 00 AD 04 A6 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Biff
   01 12 0A 00 AE 04 AC 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Butch
   01 12 0C 00 BA 04 B3 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wally
   01 12 0A 00 BD 04 BA 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Chip
   01 12 07 00 AB 04 C0 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Eddie
   01 12 07 00 B8 04 C7 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ernie
   01 12 07 00 BB 04 CE 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dick
   01 10 0A 00 B3 04 D4 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Steve
   02 10 07 00 C0 04 DB 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 John
   02 10 07 00 B2 04 E1 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Jim
   02 10 07 00 AF 04 E6 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Charlie
   02 10 07 00 B5 04 EF 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 George
   02 0F 07 00 B7 04 F7 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Clyde
   02 0F 05 00 B6 04 FE 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Tom
   02 0E 05 00 B4 04 03 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Erica
   02 0C 05 00 BC 04 0A 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Spike
   02 0B 05 00 BE 04 11 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Bill
   02 0B 05 00 BF 04 17 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Vinnie
   02 0A 04 00 DC 04 1F 06                               The King


4-5: offset to or index of driver's image.
  eg setting all values to DC 04 shows The King and his girlfriend in all cars.
182-183: holds the value 19h (25d) (nr of cars?)

18c-286: car data?
18C: car data 10 bytes
     price 02 s# conf  name  pic
18C: 90 01 00 01 01 00 02 00 0F 04 1940 Chevrolet 2-dr coupe $400
196: 31 0B 07 10 D1 4A 36 00 10 04 1940 Chevrolet Roadster
1A0: DB 06 05 00 91 5A 83 00 17 04 1938 Chevrolet``Master``Deluxe``2-dr
1AA: AA 05 03 04 81 49 D6 00 18 04 1956 Corvette
     CA 08 05 05 91 4A 02 01 1D 04 1961 Corvette
	 BA 0E 08 06 E1 A2 2D 01 1E 04 1963 Corvette
	 71 02 00 08 04 49 73 01 24 04 1955 Dodge``Custom``Royal``Lancer
	 A4 06 04 0A 92 49 AD 01 25 04 1932 Ford. Customized deuce coupe
	 02 08 06 07 44 01 E5 01 58 04 1962 Dodge Polara
	 B0 04 02 14 04 01 11 02 59 04 1962 Plymouth Savoy 2-dr
	 78 0A 07 0B 92 5A 3A 02 5E 04 1932 Ford``Sedan
	 92 09 06 0C 92 49 70 02 5F 04 1940 Ford Deluxe 2-dr
	 9E 07 05 0D 92 49 AA 02 66 04 1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria
	 80 02 01 0E 42 01 E3 02 67 04 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 2-dr
	 84 03 01 0F 52 49 15 03 6B 04 1954 Mercury Monterey
	 C7 01 00 12 02 00 40 03 6F 04 1956 Mercury``Custom`2-dr
	 DB 01 01 18 01 01 7C 03 79 04 1949 Chevrolet 2dr Styleline
	 EC 04 02 03 11 01 BE 03 7D 04 1958 Chevrolet Impala
	 3A 07 04 13 11 49 FF 03 84 04 1949 Olds 88 2dr.Customized
	 07 08 06 09 91 4A 3A 04 85 04 1952 Olds``88.``Customized
	 1C 0C 07 15 A1 4A 70 04 8C 04 1950 Pontiac Silver Streak
	 16 0D 08 16 D2 5A B7 04 8D 04 1957 T-Bird
	 46 05 03 17 44 00 EC 04 93 04 1961 Valiant V-200
	 27 06 04 FF 44 4A 21 05 94 04 1963 Valiant``V-100``2-dr
	 B6 03 02 11 41 49 51 05 9B 04 1955 Chevrolet``Bel-Air``Sport coupe

00 - 01: price
02: some grouping? (numbers from 00 - 08 appear 3x, except 03 and 08 which appear 2x. on data disk, 03 and 06 appear only 2x)
    setting all of those values to 00 makes the game crash upon starting new game (loading old game works)
03: sequence number in the newspaper? the last car has FF (after that, parts are listed)
04 - 05: 2 bytes for car's configuration
    00 00 0000 00 00 00 00
     |  |    |  |  |  |  |
	 |  |    |  |  |  |  +-- 00: V-6 engine, 01: V-8 engine small, 10: V8-engine big
	 |  |    |  |  |  +----- 00: 2-brl manifold (when 2-brl. carb) OR racing manifold (when 4-brl racing carbs)
     |  |    |  |  |         10: 4-brl manifold (when 4-brl. carb) OR manifold for 2-4 brl. carbs (with 2x4 brl. carbs)	 
	 |  |    |  |  +-------- 00: no 2nd carb, 01: 2nd 4-brl. carb., 10: 2nd 4-brl racing carb.
     |  |    |  +----------- 00: 2-brl. carb., 01: 4-brl. carb., 10: 4-brl racing carb.
     |  |    +------------ 0001: Brand GM, 0010: Brand Ford, 0100: Brand Chrysler
	 |  +------------------- 00: Tires, 01: Tires. Brand name., 10: Racing slicks.
	 +---------------------- 00: Auto Trnsmsn, 01: Trnsmsn 3-spd, 10: Trnsmsn 4-spd, 11: Racing 4-spd

06 - 07: offsets to the car's name. add to 76f
08 - 09: some pointer to the car's image (image index?)
         note: distance between front and back wheels is saved somewhere else.
		       just swapping images of two cars leaves wheels in the wrong spot
	040F 1039
	0410 1040
	0417 1047
	0418 1048
	041D 1053
	041E 1054
	0424 1060
	0425 1061
	0458 1112
	0459 1113
	045E 1118
	045F 1119
	0466 1126
	0467 1127
	046B 1131
	046F 1135
	0479 1145
	047D 1149
	0484 1156
	0485 1157
	048C 1164
	048D 1165
	0493 1171
	0494 1172
	049B 1179

286h - 38Ah:
00 00 08 02 E1 A2 84 05 B1 04
02 00 0E 04 A0 04 0D 04 09 04
02 00 13 04 A0 04 11 04 12 04
02 00 16 04 9E 04 15 04 14 04
04 00 00 00 9F 04 1A 04 19 04
04 00 00 00 9F 04 1C 04 1B 04
04 00 00 00 A0 04 1F 04 20 04
02 00 23 04 A0 04 22 04 9C 04
03 00 26 04 A1 04 00 00 00 00
01 00 57 04 9F 04 27 04 28 04
01 00 5C 04 A0 04 5A 04 5B 04
03 00 5D 04 9E 04 00 00 00 00
02 00 62 04 A1 04 60 04 61 04
02 00 65 04 9E 04 63 04 64 04
02 00 6A 04 A0 04 68 04 69 04
02 00 6E 04 A0 04 6C 04 6D 04
02 00 78 04 9F 04 70 04 77 04
01 00 7C 04 9F 04 7A 04 7B 04
01 00 80 04 A0 04 7E 04 7F 04
02 00 83 04 A0 04 81 04 82 04
02 00 88 04 9E 04 86 04 87 04
01 00 8B 04 9E 04 89 04 8A 04
02 00 D3 04 A0 04 8F 04 8E 04
01 00 92 04 9F 04 90 04 91 04
01 00 97 04 9F 04 95 04 96 04
02 00 9A 04 A1 04 98 04 99 04
286h - 770h: 1250 (=25x50) bytes length (decimal).
             50 bytes of data for 25 cars?

770h: names of cars. first byte (just before first letter of car's name) shows how many lines of text the car needs on the newspaper
D02: opponents. null-terminated strings

E9E: stickers. each length: 19
  00 - 10:
    probably one of those also is an image index, like for the car.
  11 - 19: sticker's name

EAE: sticker labels

lib1: 12b76
lib1c: 5b74
lib2: 52c35

I also tinkered with savegames:

Code: Select all

Most offsets are only valid if you just own a single car and no additional parts (the 400 $ Chevrolet)
Numbers that are longer than 8 bit are Little Endian.

0  - 0E: Name
10 - 13: Bankroll
14 - 15: always 0A 00
16 - 17: 
18 - 19:
1A - 1B:
1C - 1D: nr of cars
1E - 1F:
20 - 21:
22 - 23: nr of parts (7 max. on the car?) first components on cars, then components on stock?
24 - 25: price
26 - 27: car
  00: 1940 Chevrolet 2-dr coupe
  01: 1940 Chevrolet Roadster
  02: 1938 Chevrolet``Master``Deluxe``2-dr
  03: 1956 Corvette
  04: 1961 Corvette
  05: 1963 Corvette
  06: 1955 Dodge``Custom``Royal``Lancer
  07: 1932 Ford. Customized deuce coupe
  08: 1962 Dodge Polara
  09: 1962 Plymouth Savoy 2-dr
  0A: 1932 Ford``Sedan
  0B: 1940 Ford Deluxe 2-dr
  0C: 1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria
  0D: 1957 Ford Fairlane 500
  0E: 1954 Mercury Monterey
  0F: 1956 Mercury``Custom`2-dr
  10: 1949 Chevrolet 2dr Styleline
  11: 1958 Chevrolet Impala
  12: 1949 Olds 88 2dr.Customized
  13: 1952 Olds``88.``Customized
  14: 1950 Pontiac Silver Streak
  15: 1957 T-Bird
  16: 1961 Valiant V-200
  17: 1963 Valiant``V-100``2-dr
  18: 1955 Chevrolet``Bel-Air``Sport coupe
28: car color (00=red, 01=petrol, 02=green, 03=pink, 04=blue, 05=grey, 06=black, 07=dark pink)

the following information about transmission, engine, etc is more or less just notes.
the correct behaviour of this part is not yet known.
values for the components seem to change with progress of the game.

2A - 2B: transmission
  C2 86: Auto Trnsmsn Chrysler
  C2 86: Trnsmsn 4-speed Ford (with Ford v8 292, 4-brl)
  6A 86: Racing 4-spd Chrysler (only engine attached, not assembled)
  6A 86: Auto Trnsmsn Chrysler (fully assembled engine attached)
  8A 86: Auto Trnsmsn Chrysler (with full v8 285, 4-brl carb)
  9A 86: Racing 4-spd Chrysler (
2C - 2D: engine
  72 86: Chrysler V6 engine (unassembled)
  72 86: Chrysler V8 285 (unassembled)
  A2 86: Chrysler V8 285 (with full v8 285, 4-brl carb)
  CA 86: Ford v8 292 (with 4-brl and ford 4-spd trnsmsn)
2E - 2F: manifold
  7A 86: Chrysler 4-brl Manifold
  A2 86: Chrysler manifold. For 2-4brl.carbs.
  B2 86: Chrysler manifold. For 3-2brl.carbs.
  9A 86: Chrysler 4-brl Manifold (with full v8 285, 4-brl carb)
  DA 86: Ford 4-brl Manifold (with full v8 292, 4-brl carb)
30 - 31: carb
  82 86: 4-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 1)
  92 86: 2-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 3)
  9A 86: 2-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 3) (with chrysler racing trans)
  AA 86: 4-brl. carb. Fits all. (2 of 2)
  B2 86: 4-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 1) (with full Chrysler v8 285, manifold fits all)
  E2 86: 4-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 1) (with full Ford v8 292, manifold fits all)

32 - 33: carb
  82 86: 4-brl. carb. Fits all. (1 of 2)
  AA 86: 2-brl. carb. Fits all. (2 of 3)

34 - 35: carb
  A2 86: 2-brl. carb. Fits all. (3 of 3)
36 - 37: tires
  8A 86: Racing slicks (only engine attached, not assembled)
  92 86: Racing slicks
  AA 86: Tires
  D2 86: Tires. Brand name (ford v8 292, manifold fits all, ford 4-brl carb)
no cars and no parts: opponent data starts at 0x2C
no cars and 1 part: opponent data starts at 0x34
1 car and 1 part: opponent data starts at 0x5B

1 part has 8 bytes
1 car has 32 bytes (plus 8 for every part?)

24 - 70: 1st car (1940 chevrolet 2-dr coupe.)

26 - 27: car id
28     : 1st car color (00=red, 01=petrol, 02=green, 03=pink, 04=blue, 05=grey, 06=black, 07=dark pink
29     : ?
#2a - 2b: transmission (6a 86=auto, 92 86=3speed, 9a 86=4speed, a2=racing)
#2c - 2d: engine (72 86=gm v6, aa 86=gm v8 283 in², b2 86=gm v8 327 in²)
#2e - 2f: engine manifold (a2 86=2brl, 7a 86=, 92 86=gm 3-2)

30 - 31: 82?
32 - 33: 9a?
34 - 35: ca 86
36 - 37: 8a 86

38 - 40: screw state
  38 - 39: transmission
       3a: engine
  3b - 3c: manifold
  3d - 3e: 1st carb
  3f - 40: 2nd carb
  41 - 42: 3rd carb
43: 1st car engine wire: 01=fit, ff=loose

44: 1st car engine tune offset (00=ok, F8=max. up, 04=max. down)
45: ?? (always 00?)
46 - 47: 1st car fuel: a8=new(168), ff ff = 25 galeons (25,6 probably)
48: ?? (always 00?)
49: 1st car sticker: 00=no, 01-08
49: 1st car chassis mod: 00=all, 20=roof chopped, 40=rear bumper stripped, 80=front bumper stripped
4c - 4d: 
4e - 4f: 1st car transmission wear level x 100: 0000=new
50: transmission:
  09=gm auto, 0c=gm 3spd, 0f=gm 4spd, 13=gm racing,
  0a=ford auto, 0d=ford 3spd, 10=ford 4spd, 14=ford racing,
  0b=chrysler auto, 0e=chrysler 3spd, 11=chrysler 4spd, 15=chrysler racing, 
  12=all 4spd
56 - 57: 1st car engine wear level x 100: 0000=new
58: engine:
  00=gm v6, 03=gm v8 253, 06=gm v8 327
  01=ford v6, 04=ford 292, 07=ford 351,
  02=chrysler v6, 05=chrysler v8 285, 08=chrysler v8 340
5a - 5b: 
5c - 5d:
5e - 5f: 
60: manifold:
  18=fits all 4brl 
  19=gm 2brl, 1c=gm 4brl, 1f=gm 3x2 brl, 22=gm 2x4, 25=gm racing
  1a=ford 2brl, 1d=ford 4brl, 20=ford 3x2, 23=ford 2x4, 26=ford racing, 
  1b=chrysler 2brl, 1e=chrysler 4brl, 21=chrysler 3x2, 24=chrysler 2x4, 27=chrysler racing
6e - 6f: 1st car tires wear level x 100: 0000=new, 4000=40%worn
70: 1st car tires: 28=orig, 29=brand, 2a=racing
74: nr of races? nr of opponents met?

7C-8D: opponent data mike (pattern for opponent is found in hot_data starting at 0x0)
       length: 0x11 (=17) bytes

                          name  car      met         skr
name    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11
Mike    00 14 0A 00 AC 04 93 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Ralph   00 12 0C 00 AA 04 99 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Kirk    00 14 0A 00 B9 04 A0 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Biff    00 12 0C 00 AD 04 A6 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Butch   01 12 0A 00 AE 04 AC 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Wally   01 12 0C 00 BA 04 B3 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Chip    01 12 0A 00 BD 04 BA 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Eddie   01 12 07 00 AB 04 C0 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Ernie   01 12 07 00 B8 04 C7 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Dick    01 12 07 00 BB 04 CE 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Steve   01 10 0A 00 B3 04 D4 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
John    02 10 07 00 C0 04 DB 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Jim     02 10 07 00 B2 04 E1 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Charlie 02 10 07 00 AF 04 E6 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
George  02 10 07 00 B5 04 EF 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Clyde   02 0F 07 00 B7 04 F7 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Tom     02 0F 05 00 B6 04 FE 05 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Erica   02 0E 05 00 B4 04 03 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Spike   02 0C 05 00 BC 04 0A 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Bill    02 0B 05 00 BE 04 11 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Vinnie  02 0B 05 00 BF 04 17 06 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The King02 0A 04 00 DC 04 1F 06

06-07: offset to name in hot_data (add to 0x76F)
08: car of opponent
0A: car's color?
0B: already met
0F: sticker of the car. 00=none

087: Mike met
099: Ralph met
0AB: Kirk met
0BD: Biff met
0CF: Butch met
0E1: Wally? met
0F3: Chip met
105: Eddie? met
117: Ernie? met
129: Dick? met
13B: Steve? met
14D: John? met
15F: Jim? met
171: Charlie met
183: George met
195: Clyde? met
1A7: Tom? met
1B9: Erica? met
1CB: Spike? met
1DD: Bill? met
1EF: Vinnie? met
201: The King? met

208 - 209: time?
20c - 20d: time?

.Mike.    1940 Chevrolet 2-dr coupe, v6 2-brl
.Ralph.   1957 Ford Fairlane 500 2-dr, 2-brl | 1958 Chevrolet impala | 1956 Mercury Custom 2-dr
.Kirk.    1956 Mercury Custom 2-dr, 2-brl | 1958 Chevrolet
.Biff.    1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air Sport coupe, 4-brl
.Butch.   1962 Plymouth Savoy 2-dr, v6 2-brl
.Wally.   1949 Chevrolet 2dr Styleline | 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer
.Chip.    1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer, 4-brl? | 1940 Chevrolet 2-dr coupe
.Eddie.   1956 Corvette, 4-brl | 1961 Valiant V-200
.Ernie.   1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria, 4-brl
.Dick.    1932 Ford. Customized deuce coupe, 4-brl
.Steve.   1963 Valiant V-100 2dr, 4-brl
.John.    1961 Valiant V-200
.Jim.     1961 Corvette, racing
.Charlie. 1961 Valiant V-200, v6 2-brl
.George.  1962 Dodge Polara, v6 2-brl
.Clyde.   1940 Ford Deluxe 2-dr, 4-brl
.Tom.     1950 Pontiac Silver Streak, racing
.Erica.   1940 Chevrolet Roadster, racing
.Spike.   1932 Ford Sedan
.Bill.    1957 T-Bird, 2-4 brl. racing | 1949 Chevrolet  2dr Styleline
.Vinnie.  1963 Corvette, racing
.The King.1963 Corvette
.The Geek
And here are some generic findings

Code: Select all

sr global info

HOT_DATA: car data, opponent data
LIB2: car's images (maybe all images?)

There are 25 opponents. However, a 26th name is in the data. The Geek. this one is not challengable.
The assignment between opponent and car is randomly generated upon starting of a new game.
The decision if a car has a sticker on it also seems to be random.
Opponent's cars seem to be configured like those from the newspaper.
Every car appears max. 1x

Names of cars are stored in HOT_DATA
Names of parts are stored directly in EXE file.
  Partnames are shared between the car info and the newspaper
item ids
  00=gm v6, 03=gm v8 253, 06=gm v8 327
  01=ford v6, 04=ford 292, 07=ford 351,
  02=chrysler v6, 05=chrysler v8 285, 08=chrysler v8 340
  09=gm auto, 0c=gm 3spd, 0f=gm 4spd, 13=gm racing,
  0a=ford auto, 0d=ford 3spd, 10=ford 4spd, 14=ford racing,
  0b=chrysler auto, 0e=chrysler 3spd, 11=chrysler 4spd, 15=chrysler racing, 
  12=all 4spd
 16: 2-brl fits all
 17: 4-brl fits all
 18: 4-brl racing fits all
 19: GM 2-brl
 1A=ford 2brl
 1C: GM 4-brl
 1F: GM 3x2 brl
 22: GM 2x4
 25: GM racing
 1d=ford 4brl, 20=ford 3x2, 23=ford 2x4, 26=ford racing, 
  1b=chrysler 2brl, 1e=chrysler 4brl, 21=chrysler 3x2, 24=chrysler 2x4, 27=chrysler racing
 25: GM racing manifold
 28: tires
 29: tires brand name
 2a: racing tires
preis wear  type  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

96 00 00 00 2a 00 00 00

19 00 80 FF 16 00 00 00 2-brl fits all
 16: 2-brl fits all
 17: 4-brl fits all
 18: 4-brl racing fits all

14 00 80 FF 19 00 00 00 GM 2-brl manifold

82 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 GM auto

FE 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 GM v6
254    40
Another thing I found out: when I replace the lib files from SR1 with those from the special edition, the other car images are shown, but the wheels still are in the wrong positions. So their position seems to be stored elsewhere.

Thanks for the jump start and sorry for the lengthy post. This really needs to go into the wiki...

Re: Street Rod

Posted: August 30th, 2018, 2:23 am
by remy
Thanks for the code!