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an old arcade? game involving yo-yo [Trolls]

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:24 am
by ninomisakura

I just remembered one old game I used to play and love very much like 10 years ago. My sister swears we played it on win98.
It was this arcade format like mario or sonic where you were going on platform and there was a hole you helped yourself to get to the other side with a jojo of a red/yellowish color? This little yo-yo ball you threw towards the other platform you wanted to get on and it had to get glued there so you could swing yourself there.

I think the aim of the game was to collect as many things around a possible (i dont why i have this image of the things being a candies and all other sorts of sweet? :/) to get to a higher level?
overall it was very colorful game, very easy I think.

But thats all I can remember. If you could help me find the name of the game, I would be very grateful!

Edit: Also, I think the character was someone looking like a clown - or at least there were clowns in it as the bad guys you must have avoided or something like that...

ALSO my sister remembered another detail. Once you completed one level (one room) another door of a new room has opened for you and you could enter this whole new room with a different background. She says there were around 10 doors? Maybe more?

Re: an old arcade? game involving jojo

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 11:01 pm
by leilei
I'm almost thinking it's the Zool series for DOS.

Re: an old arcade? game involving jojo

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 7:39 am
by ninomisakura
Thanks a lot, but sadly - its not what I am looking for T-T

Your "alter ego" looked different, and overall it had this fairyland-ish background ( I remember it as very detailed - very well done for the time it was made in). But the candies look very similar.

Thank you very much for the help tho.

Re: an old arcade? game involving yo-yo

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 1:30 pm
by DOSGuy
If it looks that similar, could it be Zool 2? In Zool 2 there's a female player named Zooz, which could account for the difference in appearance of the protagonist.

Re: an old arcade? game involving yo-yo

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 12:45 pm
by ninomisakura
thanks everyone, found it!

it is called Trolls!!!

I am so happy like during Christmas :D


Re: an old arcade? game involving yo-yo

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 10:01 pm
by robert
Yes, you're right, the game's name is Trolls

I know there is another game named Oscar, which is very like Trolls, except this is more difficult, and I got bored of it :lol: