The game Sokoban Perfect?

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The game Sokoban Perfect?

Post by robert »


The game's name is Perfect Sokoban, is a remake of the old sokoban games, but I cannot find it to download anywhere. This was my dad's favourite sokoban game. Do somebody know where I can find it to download for free? Or does someone have it? It's for PC, specially for DOS.

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Re: The game Sokoban Perfect?

Post by robert »

No answers? Can anyone help me? I'm looking for the game and I can't find it anywhere.
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Re: The game Sokoban Perfect?

Post by DOSGuy »

Okay, here's what I've got. Sokoban Perfect was created by Thinking Rabbit in 1989 and only sold in Japan. Unless there has been a freeware declaration, it is copyrighted commercial software, so for legal reasons I can't allow anyone to link to a copy of it. Suffice it to say that there must be websites that are illegally distributing this game that you could get the game from if you legally purchased it but your installation disk no longer works. Basically, it may be legal for you to possess the game, but it would be illegal for me to post a link to make it available to everyone, so you're kind of on your own on this one.

Of course, if there has been a freeware declaration and someone can prove that the game is legal to distribute, I would be more than happy to host the game on this site, since I like Sokoban.
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Re: The game Sokoban Perfect?

Post by robert »

Those games (4-get-it and Sokoban, and others) came in a 5 1/4 disquette. My parents bought them in a games store when I used to have an older pc running under Windows 98, including MS-DOS. I understand now why are they not available in any legal website, of course there are some info pages for them, but not a downloadable site, and why I used to have it in Japanese language.

Well, thanks for your help. Hope this website goes ahead!
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