Some of you may be aware of the fighting game Super Fighter, developed and released by C&E Inc. (Taiwan) in 1993 and acquired by Super Fighter Team (and released as freeware) in 2001.

What most of you are likely not aware of, however, is that the game was translated into the English language and released commercially under the name Fatal Encounter. Unreleased in the USA due to the BBS piracy scene at the time, Fatal Encounter was only known to have officially been released in Australia. This version of the game was, seemingly, made available in only miniscule numbers, as it soon faded into complete and utter obscurity. Even the president of C&E himself couldn't locate a working copy. The game was thought to be gone forevermore.

Enter Davis Chan from Australia, who graciously provided us with a full, working copy of Fatal Encounter toward the end of 2008, ending the 10+ year search. This, thanks to him searching for information about the game and coming to our website, which expressed our desire to receive a working copy. We immediately removed its copy protection and added it to the official Super Fighter website for free download.
The story of Super Fighter / Fatal Encounter is remarkable, as it perfectly demonstrates our credo: "Never let dreams die!" Even against seemingly insurmountable odds, wherever hope exists there is always a chance.
I invite you to try and enjoy this freeware game, but also to take the story to heart.
Thanks for your attention and interest. Have a nice day.