Finding the game called "duck" [Dark Ages]

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Finding the game called "duck"

Post by stilianos »

Way back when i was a little kid i remember playing 3 games constantly on my first pc, they were
Crystal(which i never finished) Jill of the jungle which i recently finished (was so much easier than i remembered) and a game that was just a demo but it was my favorite. It was called "duck" i don't know why it was called that because there where no ducks in it but nevertheless it was a platformed that involved a man with tanned skin and blond hair shooting fireballs out of his hands, as you progressed through the game you got new abilities such as shooting more of a flamethrower fashioned fireball. This game was the cornerstone of my childhood and i cant seem to find it anywhere. Maybe it was just my imagination but i could have sworn the game was called "duck".
I hope you guys can help me find it and thanks in advance.
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by DOSGuy »

If you were quite young at the time, it's possible that you and your family called it "Duck", even though that wasn't the name. A bit more information would help, such as what year it was, the names of any levels, characters, or any recollection of what company you saw on the splash or title screen.

It was probably Dark Ages. It has a tanned hero who shoots fireballs, but it's a bit older than Jill of the Jungle and not an Epic game like Jill is. Another obvious game with a hero who shoots fireballs in a platformer from the era of Jill would be Hocus Pocus, but the young wizard isn't tanned. Malvineous Havershim from Xargon is a bit tanned, and it was an Epic game released around the same time as Jill, but his primary weapon looks more like a laser beam. There is a fireball weapon in the game, but you don't start with it.
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by stilianos »

Thanks mate thats the game, i guess in the early years I called it "duck' because thats how i thought you said it :D. I can remember the countless days playing this game and getting up to the part where you can go no further. This really takes me back and i am really grateful that you found it for me THANKS

EDIT: I have a problem with darks installation, install it in C, then i go to the folder in C that i installed it in double click on it it goes into dos and exits right after :( can you help?
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

Well, what operating system are you using (and what kind of computer)? Your best bet is to use DOSBox, which is a free and easy to use DOS emulator. It will allow you to run most DOS games on current PC configurations without much effort.
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by stilianos »

I have windows xp pro. All other dos games work except this one. I tried the emulator but found it extremely confusing, is there just a quick way to just open it? Otherwise thanks for the help.
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by DOSGuy »

Unfortunately, some DOS games won't run in Windows XP. Only text-mode games will run in Vista 32, and no DOS games will run in Vista 64. Like it or not, it's time to learn DOSBox!

DOSBox is only confusing until you understand that you have to mount a "virtual" drive. Since you're used to DOS, you understand that your hard drive has a directory structure. Well, DOSBox doesn't want you to damage your data by giving itself free access to alter any folder on your hard drive, so you're going to pretend that a folder on your hard drive (probably c:/dark) is actually the C: drive by typing "mount c c:\dark". Then you just type "c:" to move to your new virtual drive, and you can run your game from the command line. I think you'll be able to learn everything you need to know from this DOSBox Tutorial.
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Re: Finding the game called "duck"

Post by stilianos »

WOW that brought me back, when you explained it it was so simple... It's just like the old days when my uncle told me that if the game doesn't work you have to press that little line in the top left corner and type something along the lines of


Thanks for the help mate ;)
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