Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

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Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by MrFlibble »

This thread is sort of a clone of Litude's missing versions thread, however the focus is on official extras like non-interactive demo versions, slideshows, screenshot packs, press releases etc. These files certainly have historical value and could be added to the site in my opinion.

3D Realms
Duke Nukem 3D
Preview slideshow:
Preview slideshow (with Shadow Warrior):

Shadow Warrior
Preview slideshow:

Terminal Velocity
Preview slideshow:

Apogee Software
Bio Menace
Preview slideshow:

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Preview slideshow #1: 1BSPIX.ZIP
Preview slideshow #2: 1BSPIX2.ZIP
Preview slideshow #3:

Preview slideshow:

Duke Nukem II
Preview slideshow: 4DN-PIX.ZIP

Halloween Harry/Alien Carnage
Preview slideshow #1: 1HHPIX.ZIP
Preview slideshow #2: 1HHPIX2.ZIP

Hocus Pocus
Preview slideshow:

Windows desktop icons:

Monster Bash
Preview slideshow:

Mystic Towers
Preview slideshow:

Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Preview slideshow:

Rise of the Triad
Preview slideshow #1:
Preview slideshow #2:

Wacky Wheels
Preview slideshow:

XenoPhage: Alien Bloodsport
Preview slideshow:

Banjo Software
Hacx: Twitch n' Kill
Screenshot pack: HSHOT-98.ZIP

Bethesda Softworks
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Preview slideshow: ARENASLD.ZIP

The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall
Screenshot pack: DFGIFS.ZIP
Screenshot pack 05/05/96: DF050596.ZIP
Screenshot pack 07/27/96: DF072796.ZIP
Midi pack: DF_MID.ZIP

The Terminator: Future Shock
Screenshot pack: SHOCKGIF.ZIP

Blue Byte Software
Battle Isle 2200
Preview screenshots: BI2SHOT2.ZIP

Capstone Software
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion
Preview screenshots: COR7DEMO.ZIP

Operation Bodycount
Screenshot pack: BCSHOTS.ZIP

Electronic Arts
Abrams Battle Tank
Self-running demo: ABRMSDMO.ZIP

Epic MegaGames
Jazz Jackrabbit
Artwork disk #1: JAZZART.ZIP

Screenshot pack: $EPICPCX.ZIP

One Must Fall 2097
Preview slideshow: OMF-PREV.ZIP

Radix: Beyond the Void
Preview screenshots: 1_RADPRV.ZIP

Traffic department 2192
Preview slideshow: TDDEMO.ZIP

Preview slideshow: TYRPREV.ZIP

Preview slideshow: XAR-PREV.ZIP

Zone 66
Preview slideshow: Z66PRV.ZIP

Frontier: Elie II
Non-interactive demo: FRONTIER.ZIP

id Software
Preview slideshow: DOOMPIX1.EXE
Preview slideshow #1: DOOM01.ZIP
Preview slideshow #2: DOOM02.ZIP
Preview slideshow #3: DOOM03.ZIP
Preview slideshow #4: DOOM04.ZIP
Preview slideshow #5: DOOMSCN5.ZIP

Doom II
Pre-release screenshot pack: DOOM2PCX.ZIP

Interplay Productions
Screenshot pack: DCNTGIF.ZIP
TV commercial: DESCENT.QT

Descent II
Screenshot pack: D2SHOTS.ZIP
Cinematic trailer: D2TRAILR.ZIP

Preview slideshow: SKNIDEMO.ZIP

Star Wars: Dark Forces
Preview slideshow #1: DFSLIDE.ZIP
Preview slideshow #2: DFSLIDE2.ZIP

MicroProse Software
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Self-running demo: F19DEMO.ZIP

Multi-game self-running demo #1: MPSDEMO1.ZIP
Multi-game self-running demo #2: MPSDEMO2.ZIP
Multi-game self-running demo #3: MPSDEMO3.ZIP

Origin Systems
Wing Commander Armada
Preview screenshots: WCARMADA.ZIP

Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
Non-interactive demo: WC2A.ZIP, WC2B.ZIP

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
Preview screenshots: WING3.ZIP

Raven Software
Screenshot pack #1: HRTCPCX.ZIP
Screenshot pack #2: HT_SCRNS.ZIP
Screenshot pack #3: HERGIF.ZIP

Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Screenshot pack: HEXENSCN.ZIP

Rogue Entertainment
Press release: STRIFEPR.ZIP
Screenshot pack #2: STRIFEPX.ZIP

Sierra On-Line
A-10 Tank Killer
Self-running demo: A10DEMO.ZIP

Aces of the Pacific
Preview slideshow: ACESDEMO.ZIP

Union Logic
Screenshot pack: 1_ULDEMO.ZIP
Last edited by MrFlibble on January 29th, 2013, 2:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by Litude »

I like the idea of this thread. Got a few things to contribute, feel free to add them to the list.

Jazz Jackrabbit
Artwork disk #1: JAZZART.ZIP

Traffic Department 2192
Preview slideshow: TDDEMO.ZIP

Radix: Beyond the Void
Preview shots: 1_ULDEMO.ZIP (back when Union Logic was still the publisher)

One Must Fall 2097
Preview slideshow: 1OMFPREV.ZIP

Zone 66
Preview slideshow: Z66PRV.ZIP

DOOM II: Hell on Earth
Screenshot pack: DOOM2PCX.ZIP

Strife: Quest for the Sigil
Screenshot pack #2: STRIFEPX.ZIP

Got a bunch of stuff on my computer as well that I'll try to upload tomorrow.
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by MrFlibble »

Nice, thanks a bunch! :D Adding the stuff :)
Litude wrote:Radix: Beyond the Void
Preview shots: 1_ULDEMO.ZIP (back when Union Logic was still the publisher)
Hmm, this one seems to have more screenshots and info compared to the 1_RADPRV.ZIP.
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by leilei »

Radix once used the Doom palette too.
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by MrFlibble »

BTW, leilei, you also mentioned some Quake shareware patches IIRC, right?
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by Litude »

Some more stuff for today:

Apogee Software
Bio Menace
Vendor screenshots: BM-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Vendor screenshots: BS-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Crystal Caves
Vendor screenshots: CC-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet
Vendor screenshots: COS-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Dark Ages
Vendor screenshots: DA-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Death Rally
v1.0 to v1.1 shareware patch: DRSW11PT.ZIP

Duke Nukem
Vendor screenshots: DN-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Duke Nukem II
Vendor screenshots: DN2-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
Vendor screenshots: CK-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Hocus Pocus
Vendor screenshots: HP-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Major Stryker
Vendor screenshots: MS-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

The Monuments of Mars!
Vendor screenshots: MARS-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Math Rescue
Vendor screenshots: MR-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Monster Bash
v1.0 to v1.01 shareware patch: BASHFIX.ZIP
v1.0 to v1.02 shareware patch: BASHFIX2.ZIP
v1.0 to v1.1 shareware patch: BASHFIX3.ZIP
v2.0 to v2.1 shareware patch: MBPATCH4.ZIP
Vendor screenshots: MB-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Vendor screenshots: PAGA-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Pharaoh's Tomb
Vendor screenshots: PT-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Vendor screenshots: RAP-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Secret Agent
Vendor screenshots: SA-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Wacky Wheels
Vendor screenshots: WW-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Wolfenstein 3D
v1.0 to v1.1 shareware patch: W3DPATCH.ZIP
v1.1 to v1.2 shareware patch: W1PATCH.ZIP (this patch actually never worked properly since it didn't include all the changed files, but the registered patches did work)
Vendor screenshots: W3D-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Word Rescue
Vendor screenshots: WR-PIX.ZIP (rename manually)

Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport
Beta to v1.0 shareware patch: XPSW10PT.ZIP
v1.0 to v1.1 shareware patch: XPSW11PT.ZIP
Screenshot pack: XENOSHOW.ZIP

Banjo Software
Hacx: Twitch n' Kill
Screenshot pack: HSHOT-98.ZIP

Bethesda Softworks
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Preview slideshow #1: ARENASLD.ZIP (the one you currently have is the second slide show)

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
Screenshot pack 05/05/96: DF050596.ZIP
Screenshot pack 07/27/96: DF072796.ZIP
Midi pack: DF_MID.ZIP

Capstone Software
Operation Bodycount
Screenshot pack: BCSHOTS.ZIP

Epic MegaGames
One Must Fall 2097
Artwork disk #1: OMFART1.ZIP (rename manually)
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by MrFlibble »

Litude wrote:Some more stuff for today:
Thankies! I've split the shareware patches into a separate thread so that this one doesn't get overloaded with various information.

I've added some of the stuff from your list, hopefully the files which have weird names can be found with their original filenames elsewhere.
Litude wrote:The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Preview slideshow #1: ARENASLD.ZIP (the one you currently have is the second slide show)
I've encountered this pack but it seems the same as the one I've linked to except half of the screeshots are missing. Are you sure it's a separate release? The date stamps on files seem to be identical.

BTW, there's a completely different, much later preview slideshow of Arena, found by Awoo, which can be downloaded here:

Also, found this nice screenshot pack for Heretic, with some early shots. I think those were featured in an Interactive Entertainment preview of the game: HRTCPCX.ZIP
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by Litude »

MrFlibble wrote:
Litude wrote:The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Preview slideshow #1: ARENASLD.ZIP (the one you currently have is the second slide show)
I've encountered this pack but it seems the same as the one I've linked to except half of the screeshots are missing. Are you sure it's a separate release? The date stamps on files seem to be identical.

BTW, there's a completely different, much later preview slideshow of Arena, found by Awoo, which can be downloaded here:
My bad, I didn't check it thoroughly, I thought the file I had linked to was the same as the one by Awoo.
MrFlibble wrote:Also, found this nice screenshot pack for Heretic, with some early shots. I think those were featured in an Interactive Entertainment preview of the game: HRTCPCX.ZIP
That magazine used to have some awesome previews. The CD actually has a few videos of the beta version of Heretic in action as well. The original preview is here.
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Re: Official extras for various games

Post by MrFlibble »

Litude wrote:Strife: Quest for the Sigil
Screenshot pack #2: STRIFEPX.ZIP
BTW, have you noticed that there are quite a few differences from the final release?

In SHOT3.PCX, the area where you meet the first quest-giver lacks the screens at the back, and the full-screen character portrait is not shown during the dialogue. Also, the selection cursor looks like some sort of a sword, and not as the Sigil as in the final release. (I also think the quest text might be a bit different but I'm not sure about this.)

In SHOT5.PCX, SHOT6.PCX and SHOT7.PCX, visible are several characters that look like the Strife Guy (although it just could be simply Front soldiers) - I wonder if these could be shots from the multiplayer/co-op mode?

Also, the shots from the first town show a different sky texture, which is very similar to the one in the first levels of Doom II.
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by Litude »

I actually also have the first screenshot pack on my computer. It's quite interesting as even the message font has only been partially replaced (with some letters using the red doom font and others using the yellow strife one). I've temporarily uploaded it here.

Also have some other screenshots gathered from around the web of which most should be pre-release screenshots but I'm not certain about all of them. Also temporarily uploaded those here. (Don't mind the modify dates, I don't think they quite match with the date as to when the shots were taken.)
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by MrFlibble »

Awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing this! :D (cd.textfiles doesn't seem to have the first pack at all)
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by ejrt »

Here's a slideshow demo of Game-Maker 2.0. There's also a playable slideshow thing promoting v3.0, grafted into the opening of Peach the Lobster. I don't think that fits the thread's remit, though. ...
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by MrFlibble »

Nice! Thanks a lot for sharing! :)
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by MrFlibble »

Bethesda Softworks
The Terminator: Future Shock
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Re: Non-interactive demo versions and screenshot packs

Post by MrFlibble »

Hmm, the Union Logic preview mentions a game called Tactical Factor, however I have been unable to find any more info on that one. Was it even released? maybe under a different title?

Also, what other games besides Vinyl Goddess From Mars has Union Logic published? The ordering info in Vinyl mentions Tactical Factor, TeenAgent and Radix as upcoming games, but the latter two have been eventually published by Epic MegaGames.
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