The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall graphics fix [OBSOLETE]

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The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall graphics fix [OBSOLETE]

Post by MrFlibble »

UDPATE FROM 2023/04/05: A new version of this fix is available here: Vanilla Paperdoll & Inventory Fixes 2.0

Update from 2023/08/21: The fix is now available at NexusMods:

This is an updated version of this patch, intended to fix various graphical issues in Daggerfall that are related to character clothes, armour, weapons and inventory items.

To install, simply unpack the files into the ARENA2 folder of your Daggerfall installation.

What this patch fixes (scroll down for screenshots):

TEXTURE.202 (statues)
o fixed the colours on the Small Statue item

TEXTURE.207 (weapon props)
o fixed the colours on the Holy Dagger item

TEXTURE.211 (various items)
o fixed the colours on the Icon item

TEXTURE.233 (female weapons)
o adjusted the position of the mace when held in the left hand
o fixed the colours on the metallic parts of the staff
o removed the gap the would appear between the lower part of the laft hand and the staff

TEXTURE.234 (male weapons)
o fixed the colours on the metallic parts of the staff

TEXTURE.235 (Argonian female clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o adjusted the offset of one frame of the short shirt without the belt
o edited the neck line of the Khajit suit item so that it doesn't cover parts of the character's face
o removed the gaps in the back part of the casual cloak and formal cloak items
o edited the back parts of both cloak items to match the body outline of Argonian characters
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces

TEXTURE.236 (Elven female clothes)
o because the body shape of female Elven characters is identical to that of human females, the original clothes set (which is similar to Argonian/Khajit female clothes) was replaced with a fixed version of the human female clothes (see below)
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces (female Elf faces are slightly different from human females)

TEXTURE.237 (Human female clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o adjusted the offset of several frames of the short shirt without the belt
o adjusted the offset of strapless brassiere items to match the position of strapless brassiere in Childguard mode
o fixed remapable colours on the metallic bra item
o edited the neck line of the Khajit suit item so that it doesn't cover parts of the character's face
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces
o edited all dress and robe items that would show parts of underwear in Childguard mode
o edited the various frames of shirt items to have consistent shapes of their shoulder parts
o added extra pixels to the casual pants items so that they properly cover the body

TETXURE.238 (Khajit female clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o adjusted the offset of one frame of the short shirt without the belt
o edited the neck line of the Khajit suit item so that it doesn't cover parts of the character's face
o added extra pixels to the Khajit suit so that it covers the whole body
o removed the gaps in the back part of the casual cloak and formal cloak items
o edited the back parts of both cloak items to match the body outline of Khajit characters
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces
o adjusted the offset of the vest items to properly cover the body

TEXTURE.239 (Argonian male clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remepable colour
o edited the back parts of both cloak items to match the body outline of Argonian characters
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces
o fixed the colours on the Khajit suit and vest items to avoid an occasional colour glitch

TEXTURE.240 (Elven male clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o edited the back parts of both cloak items to match the body outline of Elven characters
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak, formal cloak and plain robes to properly show character faces
o added extra pixels to the Khajit suit so that it covers the whole body
o fixed the colours on the Khajit suit and vest items to avoid an occasional colour glitch
o added extra pixels to the casual pants, skirt, wrap and toga items so that they properly cover the body

TEXTURE.241 (Human male clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o fixed the colours on the vest item to avoid an occasional colour glitch
o edited the various frames of shirt items to have consistent shapes of their shoulder parts
o edited all skirt, pants and robe items that would show parts of underwear in Childguard mode
o fixed one short shirt frame that for some reason included the image of the character's body
o fixed the graphics of one straps item which was for some reason replaced with the plate right pauldron image

TEXTURE.242 (Khajit male clothes)
o fixed all items that had the darkest remapable colour replaced with a similar but non-remapable colour
o fixed all items that had areas filled with transparent colour instead of a normal remapable colour
o edited the hood parts of the casual cloak to properly show character faces
o fixed the colours on the vest item to avoid an occasional colour glitch

TEXTURE.245 (Argonian female armour)
o fixed wrong colours on the chain boots item
o edited the transparent colour areas of some helmet items (which are used to conceal the character's hair when the helmet is worn) so that they don't also make parts of the shoulders and the back part of the casual cloak invisible
o fixed the colours on one of the helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.246 (Elven female armour)
o because the body shape of female Elven characters is identical to that of human females, the original armour set (which is similar to Argonian/Khajit female armour) was replaced with a fixed version of the human female armour (see below)

TEXTURE.247 (Human female armour)
o fixed wrong colours on leather boots, leather greaves with chain belt, and most other greaves and cuirass items
o removed metallic colour pixels on the leather gauntlets
o edited the transparent colour areas of some helmet items (which are used to conceal the character's hair when the helmet is worn) so that they don't also make parts of the shoulders and the back part of the casual cloak invisible
o fixed the colours on one of the helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.248 (Khajit female armour)
o edited the transparent colour areas of some helmet items (which are used to conceal the character's hair when the helmet is worn) so that they don't also make parts of the shoulders and the back part of the casual cloak invisible
o fixed the colours on one of the helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.249 (Argonian male armour)
o fixed wrong colours on several helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.250 (Elven male armour)
o edited the transparent colour areas of some helmet items (which are used to conceal the character's hair when the helmet is worn) so that they don't also make parts of the shoulders and the back part of the casual cloak invisible
o fixed the colours on one of the helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.251 (Human male armour)
o removed a large empty area from the leather greaves image
o removed metallic colour pixels on the leather part of the leather greaves with chain belt.
o edited the transparent colour areas of some helmet items (which are used to conceal the character's hair when the helmet is worn) so that they don't also make parts of the character's shoulders invisible
o fixed wrong colours on several helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.252 (Khajit male armour)
o fixed the colours on one of the helmets
o cleaned up the wooden part of the round shield

TEXTURE.432 (male artifacts)
o fixed colour glitches with some artifacts

TEXTURE.433 (female artifacts)
o fixed colour glitches with some artifacts

FACE12I0.CIF (female Nord faces)
o adjusted the offset of one of the faces

BODY00I0.IMG (Breton male body)
o added an extra line of pixels to the neck to fix missing neck pixels with one of the faces

BODY00I1.IMG (Breton male body in Childguard mode)
o added an extra line of pixels to the neck to fix missing neck pixels with one of the faces

BODY13I1.IMG (Dark Elf female body in Childguard mode)
o added a missing pixel

Here are some examples of changes introduced by the patch (the fixed ones are on the right):
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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall graphics fix [OBSOLETE]

Post by MrFlibble »

This fix is now obsolete, superseded by Vanilla Paperdoll & Inventory Fixes 2.0.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall graphics fix [OBSOLETE]

Post by MrFlibble »

I've just uploaded the latest version of the fix to NexusMods:
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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall graphics fix [OBSOLETE]

Post by MrFlibble »

In addition to the main fix, I've put together an optional update that improves the appearance of chain mail armour for most characters.

You can download this fix from the Daggerfall Unity forums or here:

It appears that Bethesda originally decided to make chain mail armour pieces semi-transparent by making them from a checkerboard pattern of metallic and transparent pixels. However, later on they updated the chain mail to have a solid look (still with checkerboard patterns of dark and light metallic pixels), similar to Arena. However, this was only done for human characters, both male and female, and the males still did not get the proper non-transparent chain pauldrons.

I decided to fix this, and manually filled in the missing pixels using the human female chain pauldrons for reference:
I also updated Argonians and Khajiit (the Elves already use the new chain mail variant in the main Papredoll & Inventory Fix) to use the new version of mail armour:
Image Image
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