More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

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More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

This is awesome! Highlight: the Kroz games are finally (legally) available again! In total there are 5 new freeware releases, as well as some older ones that have been re-released, now with source code included (!). Check the link for full info.

Guess those petitions can be taken down now. :-)
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by leilei »

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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by DOSGuy »

This was an unusually large birthday present, and I was too tired to add all of that stuff to the site after work yesterday, having spent a late night playing couples' therapist to some online friends. Everything that there is to have will be haveable on Classic DOS Games by the end of the day.

It is remarkably awesome. Freeware releases of Pharaoh's Tomb, Arctic Adventure and Monuments of Mars -- Apogee's CGA platform trilogy -- the ever-popular Dark Ages and, of course, Kroz. Source code re-releases of Beyond the Titanic, Supernova and Word Whiz. I would say this is Apogee's biggest freeware announcement ever.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

Unfortunately, it looks like it's also the last. With the exception of Balls of Steel, everything that's been discontinued from the Apogee library is now freely available (well, of course I'm not counting those Trek Trivia "games", but who cares about those anyway?).

There's also those new Duke 2D games (by Apogee Software) coming out by the end of the year, which look promising. Lots of interesting stuff going on!
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by DOSGuy »

The Trek Trivia games are already public domain, so that's as good as a giveaway. Better, really, since they place no restrictions whatsoever on how they can be used.

Balls of Steel might get ported, so there's still hope for a BoS revival.

Other than that, I wouldn't call this unfortunate. This is something to celebrate! The last of Apogee's discontinued games have been liberated!
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by Calvero »

All ten episodes of Trek Trivia are available, but only the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Trivia is available and the other two episodes are nowhere to be found.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by DOSGuy »

Well, yes, there is the little issue of finding the episodes. I've asked Joe Siegler. If he had them, he would give them to me. They may be lost to history at this point.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

Sorry about the thread necromancy, but does somebody have a mirror for the Kroz freeware release? The file doesn't seem to be hosted on anymore.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by MrFlibble »

Wasn't Kroz one of those games that would only be distributed for free for a limited period of time, so as to promote new instalments in the series?
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

As far as I know, it's still free to share. Joe Siegler never mentioned anything about it being a limited-time offer only. Anyway, nevermind my request, I've located a copy of the release in my archives.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by DOSGuy »

MrFlibble wrote:Wasn't Kroz one of those games that would only be distributed for free for a limited period of time, so as to promote new instalments in the series?
That was Zork.

So, what do you folks thing about Kroz? Is it one game with seven episodes, or three games (Original Trilogy, Super Trilogy, and The Lost Adventures of Kroz), or seven games?
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by MrFlibble »

DOSGuy wrote:That was Zork.
Ahh, right! :D
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by ThreeHeadedMonkey »

DOSGuy wrote:So, what do you folks thing about Kroz? Is it one game with seven episodes, or three games (Original Trilogy, Super Trilogy, and The Lost Adventures of Kroz), or seven games?
I look at it as 3 games myself (OT, ST, LAOK).
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by Litude »

I also think of the Kroz series as three different games considering that Kingdom of Kroz saw a shareware release; Return to Kroz saw a limited shareware release (for some reason it was only distributed for a limited time after The Super Kroz Trilogy was published) and The Lost Adventures of Kroz saw a demo release.
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Re: More freeware releases from 3D Realms / Apogee archives!

Post by Calvero »

Seven games, like Commander Keen.
But I don't know how I consider Kingdom of Kroz II relating to Kingdom of Kroz.
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