Nerdy license plates

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Nerdy license plates

Post by DOSGuy »

License plates in Quebec are in the form 123 ABC, and I've noticed quite a few license plates ending in MHZ lately. None of them have been common clock speeds, but I've seen 382 MHZ. That got me thinking about nerdy vanity plates that I could order. So far my ideas fall into six categories:

Common clock speeds

333 MHZ, 253 GHZ, etc.


Z80, 8088 477, 486DX33, P166, P233 MMX, etc.

Miscellaneous hardware

ST 506, MODEL M, PC 5150, XT 5160, AT 5170, ISA 4EVR, 30PINRAM, SB16, AWE 64

Operating systems

CPM 86, CPM DOS, OS2 WARP, WIN 311, WFW 311

Assembly instructions

MOV AX BX, etc.

Interactive fiction references

XYZZY, etc.

Any suggestions? They must be between two and eight characters and can't violate any trademarks.
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Re: Nerdy license plates

Post by lemm »


har har
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Re: Nerdy license plates

Post by Malvineous »

That's interesting, here in Queensland, Australia they are also of the form 123 ABC. I'm always reminded of my first sound card whenever I see a plate ending in CMF, but there are a few others I'd find amusing: 386 CPU, 622 DOS, 525 DSK, 404 NOT, etc.

My favourite vanity plate belonged to someone living at the end of my street a number of years ago - it was WIN95. I remember thinking at the time that it was going to date very quickly. I wonder if he still has it...

As for the ideal vanity plate, I'd go with something like 10IIO10I (with capital letters O and I, mixed in with zeroes and ones) just in case I ever need to make it difficult for someone to recite my numberplate ;-)
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Re: Nerdy license plates

Post by DOSGuy »

The government's website actually specifically says that you can't choose a license plate that would be difficult for the police to record, such as a plate with alternating Is and 1s or 0s and Os. Good try, though!
Today entirely the maniac there is no excuse with the article.
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