Vinyl Goddess from Mars is another great game of my childhood, just like Hocus Pocus. I liked it especially for its awesome and nature-themed graphics, catchy music, dynamic gameplay and of course the pretty heroine. So it became the best candidate to make another level editor for. I like making level editors for such games, and in this case I needed to do (much, but not all) reverse engineering of the level format so it was even more fun for me.
Additionally, I'm now coming up also with a mod I made with the editor: A level pack with two brand new custom levels for this game!
I probably should have made this already also for Hocus Pocus, but I am personally not very good at mapping and designing levels and I just had no inspiration to make anything for Hocus Pocus. But I like VGMF so much and it has so gorgeous eyecandy graphics so I could not resist to make some good forest-themed level with use of all the tileset capabilities that were not used in any original level. The second level is actually a remake of a level from other game, you will be definitely surprised.
And in the end, this is definitely a good way to promote the editor's and modding possibilities for this game!
Download editor:
This time the editor comes with a readme file with some basic tips and instructions how to do things.
Download level pack:
Video/screen from level pack:

Screenshots from editor